February 10, 2025

Library more student friendly


This archived article was written by: Stacy Graven

Utah State University Eastern’s Library has become even more student friendly in the last two years. Increases in e-resources and print resources continue, furnishings have been upgraded, and additional electrical modifications have been made to address student’s learning in the 21st Century.
All these changes have been made to contribute to a student-friendly environment. The library staff includes Lori J. Brassaw, director; Sherill Shaw, cataloging and special collections manager; Aimee Lauritsen, public services manager; and Kathie Armistead, acquisitions and technical services manager.
According to Brassaw, 70 percent of the USU Libraries acquisitions budget is devoted to e­-materials which are accessible 24/7 to all campuses and distance locations.
Brassaw said, “Combined with the Merrill-Cazier Library located on the main campus in Logan, we have nearly one-million-print books, over 608,000 e-books, 67,000 scholarly journals and more than 200 article databases available to students, faculty and staff.”
Also available to students is “Live Chat” located on the library homepage at price.lib.usu.edu/. Live Chat lets students at all locations receive research assistance from a professional librarian located in Logan at the Merrill-Cazier Library. This is in addition to the assistance available at the USU Eastern Library.
This summer, 219 new chairs were purchased for the library. “The breakdown is as follows: 153 chairs, 16 chairs with side tables, 46 pedestal chairs with wheels (for computers), and four stools. All the chairs in the library are now flex­back. The chairs were chosen based on what would last the longest,” Lauritsen said.
Farther back in the history of the library in 2013, a new sprinkling system, fire panels and carpeting of the upstairs were completed. Another was the new front desk and freeing the south library windows area for students use. Located in that area are vending machines, lockers and a campus bulletin board.
In January of 2014, lockers were added for student use. Lamps were added to tables. Outlets to charge electrical devices such as phones and laptops were added in addition to more electrical outlets throughout the library. Lounge type furniture was added to make the students more comfortable while studying. Some of the side tables by these lounge chairs can also be moved and used as a desk across the lap. Students have used them when sitting on the floor up against the wall during a study group. Along with these side tables are moveable seats. They also have a purpose of a side table as well.
One other addition was ongoing puzzles upstairs, “that give a break from studying, but also keep the brain engaged,” Lauritsen added.
Another 2014 upgrade was the Lee Family Study Room. This was renovated at the same time as the front desk. Before, there were irreplaceable special collection items that were out in the open. That made the room off­ limits, so to speak. Now, there are locked closets that hold the special collections. In this room, there is also a fireplace, which is beneficial for students not only for aesthetic pleasure, but it actually provides heat as well. This room is for quiet study only, but is open for student, faculty and staff use.
With all of these upgrades physically, there is also technological upgrades, too. A Knowledge Imaging Center, or KIC, scanner has been added. This scanner can help you scan notes to share or scan text to study later. It’s convenient, especially for busy college students.
USU Eastern Library has a Facebook page available to everyone. The website for the library is price.lib.usu.edu. For more information contact Brassaw at [email protected] or at 435­.613.­5328.