February 10, 2025

Michael Jones: returning to USUE


This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner

Michael Jones is a returning student athlete at Utah State University Eastern playing for the men’s soccer team as a defender. Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, Jones found his love for soccer with a family of two brothers, and a loving mother and father. Jones enjoys playing video games and lifting in his spare time. His favorite foods are spaghetti and tacos. He also enjoys the color orange and being friendly to everyone.
Jones is humble, yet confident, “I love being nice to everyone I meet and love making a good first impression.” One of his best qualities, “I try to be an all-around nice guy.” Jones is a social character and loves to get out and be himself. With his good looks, his best quality is, “I would have say my hazel eyes and my smile.”
After college Jones plans on, “becoming a successful land surveyor and living in the great state of Texas.”
Jones biggest fears are, “letting down my parents and not being successful in the future. I am not a huge fan of scary movies either.”
Being a lady’s man, Jones has found himself on many dates, however, the worst date was, “once I asked my mother to a Mother and Son Dance. However, she had forgotten the date of the dance. When I arrived I could not find my mother anywhere and attended the dance by myself.”
If Jones had 24 hours left to live he would, “spend time watching super hero movies with my family and close friends.”
Embarrassing moments rarely happen to him, however, the worst moment was, “my friend Cole and I were hanging out with a girl I liked. We decided we wanted to go get some food really late one night. When walking to the car she yelled ‘SHOTGUN’ and started running to the car. I didn’t want to sit in the back seat so I started sprinting out the door. I then was tripped and fell flat on my face, sliding under a parked car. Once I turned around there she and Cole were laughing at me. I proceeded to walk it off like nothing had happened.”
Jones has played soccer 14 years. His most victorious sports moment was, “going to the Dallas Cup Soccer Final, we played teams from Mexico and England. We ended up losing the final match by one goal… yet, I was still proud of my team.”
Jones’ biggest hero is, “David Beckham, because of how he handles difficult situation.”
Jones was a crazy child and commonly did things to upset his parent like, “I would microwave Hot Pockets the wrong way and almost burnt my house down on several occasions.”
One of Jones’ hidden talents are, “I am good at helping people through tough situations. I try to be there for my loved ones the best I can.” If he could live anywhere Jones would live in “Texas, because it is my home and Texas is known for being the greatest state.”
Soon entering spring season, Jones’ goal is “to work on my game technique, as well critique my playing style.”