Cole Davis: going for the goal

This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner
Cole Davis was a freshmen soccer player at USU Eastern. Now in his third year of college, he decided to hang up is cleats and take on an assistant coaching job with the men’s and women’s soccer teams at USU Eastern. Born in Price, Utah, he was raised in South Jordan, Utah. Davis’ family consists of his mother and father, two younger brothers and one younger sister.
Davis’ favorite color is blue, favorite type of food is “everything” and his favorite drink is “blue Gatorade.” His favorite animal is, “a dog, more specifically a mid-sized to bigger dog.” The favorite quality about himself is, “I have a man bun and it’s pretty awesome.”
After attending USU Eastern, Davis’s goals consist of “I planning on continuing to coaching soccer either here or possibly at the high school level to start.”
Davis’s biggest fear in life is “death” but plans on living a long and prosperous life.
If Davis only had 24 hours left he would spend his time “skydiving, then traveling to Europe to watch soccer games.”
One thing that pushes Davis’ buttons is, “hypocrites, it makes me mad. You should believe in what you say.” After playing soccer for many years, he says his most victorious moment in soccer, “was when I helped my club team win the state championship and we broke the record of least amount of goals allowed in the tournament ever, my U-17 year.”
If Davis could live anywhere in the world it would be, “England, because of the soccer.”
Davis’ favorite memories with his team are, “probably all of our bus rides. We played a lot of games like ‘What Are the Odds’ and playing pranks on each other. It was always a lot of fun.” He always enjoyed traveling with his team.
As Davis takes on the role of coaching a team he faces all of the responsibilities that comes along with it. His favorite part about coaching is, “Being able to see my players improve and achieve success and know that I may have had a hand in that.”
For him the weirdest thing about transitioning from player to coach was, “Earning the trust and respect of the players because I am so close in age to them.” When he took the field as a coach, Davis had to face the challenge of coaching some of his teammates and best friends. “It took a little getting used to at first but everyone was really awesome and handled it great.” As he continues to work with the teams to help them improve, Davis is doing what he loves most.