October 22, 2024

Creativity of math


Sebrina Cropper’s math students researched a connection between math and the world around them.  The general topic depends on the class, but the specific topic is the student’s choosing.  Math 0950 covers “Math and the Real-World” math 1010 explores “Math and Inventions,” math 1050 researches “Math and People,” and math 1060 completes a group project on “Math and Nature.”  The project consists of a physical model representing the connection as well as a 1-2 page written report describing it.  The projects were displayed in the WIB student lounge Feb. 29 and March 1. 
“Besides exercising the exploration muscles, it’s a chance for students to see how much math is in the world around them and to share that with others.  My goal is to have students leave the project with a little more appreciation for math and its effect in our everyday lives,” Cropper said.