October 22, 2024

Spencer Brown: Adams State to USU Eastern


This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner

Spencer Brown is finishing up his first year at USU Eastern. Having played at Adams State a semester, Brown found himself in Price playing for the Eagles the next year. Born and raised in West Valley, Utah, Spencer has played soccer for 14 years and is the oldest of 11 siblings. His favorite drink is Mountain Berry Blast PowerAde, favorite candy is Snickers and favorite place to eat is Betos.
Brown’s favorite thing about Price, is that, “it’s a small quiet town.” When deciding to come to USU Eastern, “I came to USU Eastern because of soccer and because my school was pretty much free.”
His favorite part about the teachers and campus of USU Eastern, “ is that all the teachers are so willing to work with the athletes and help them, they’re always working with our schedule.”
Starting out playing at Adam’s State University, Brown found his way to Price after his first semester, “after deciding to leave Adams State. I called Coach Ammon Bennett and he was gracious enough to give me a chance to come play here”
His goals for soccer include “I would like to win a national championship and make it out of regional playoff’s”
As a goalie for the USU Eastern Men’s team, Brown plans on working hard to achieve his goal for the fallowing season.
One of his favorite memories with his team this last year was, “definitely not losing on our home field this last season.” His favorite team activity was, “we got all the players and coaches together and had a team Barbecue. Everyone ate food and just had a good time.”
A prefect date would be, “going somewhere really fancy for dinner and we both have a really great time. Just have a really classy date.”
If he could go anywhere in the world Brown would, “love to go out and eat at a true Italian restaurant.” If he could live anywhere in the world he would live, “in Liverpool England, because that is where my favorite soccer team is located”
His favorite part about Utah, “is all the diverse culture and how cohesive we can live in one community.”
If only given 24 hours to live, Brown would spend his time, “playing soccer. All I would need is a ball and field.” His ideal soccer player is ,“Steven Gerrard.”
Brown has been playing soccer for 14 years, and is excited for many more seasons to come. With his goals in mind he is working hard to get ready for spring season. Brown is always ready to hit the field.