October 22, 2024

Is He Dead? Opens ‘16-’17 theater season


USU Eastern Theatre faculty are proud to announce their upcoming theatre season beginning with, Is He Dead?
The play is a farce written by Mark Twain and adapted by David Ives. According to the University of California press, Is He Dead? was, “written in 1898 in Vienna as Twain emerged from one of the deepest depressions of his life, the play shows its author’s superb gift for humor operating at its most energetic.”
Variety called the play, “a ripely enjoyable confection! An elaborate madcap comedy that registers high on the mirth meter and reaches especially giddy comic heights!”
The Wall Street Journal reported that it was, “Shriekingly funny-I don’t know when I’ve heard a New York audience laugh louder or longer.”
The play tells the story of an aspiring artist, Jean-François Millet, a genius, living in Paris. He is in love with Marie Leroux but in debt to a villainous picture-dealer, Bastien André.
André forecloses on the young artist, threatening debtor’s prison unless Marie marries him. Millet realizes that the only way he can pay his debts and keep Marie from marrying André is to die, as it is only dead painters who achieve fame and fortune.
Thus, Millet fakes his death and prospers, all the while passing himself off as his own sister, the Widow Tillou. Now a rich “widow” he must find a way to get out of his dress, return to life, and marry Marie.
Is He Dead? is directed by Jarom Christopher Brown who directed last year’s Hamlet. Cast members include: Brayden Summers as Agamemnon; Zachary Ballard as Hans von Bismark; John Behn as Papa Leroux; Madison Olsen as Marie Leroux; Hannah Coleman as Cecile Leroux; Adam Whitbeck as Jean-François Millet; Josh deMie as Bastien André; Mack Smith as Madame Bathilde; Jordan Goyeau as Madame Caron; Richard Taylor as Phelim O’Shaughnessy; Triston Smith as Basil Thorpe, Claude Riviere and Charlie and Kevin Soto as the King of France.
Is He Dead? will run Oct. 6-8 and 12-15.
Ticket prices are as follows: Adults $10, Seniors $7, USU Eastern Faculty/Staff $5, USU Eastern Students with current ID $1and high school and non- USU Eastern Students $5.
Tickets may be purchased at the box office.