January 23, 2025

Utah schools compete to win “Campus Cup”


This archived article was written by: D’Layna Hickman

Fall is the season of change, especially this now. This is the year USU Eastern students have been waiting for, for about 18-20 years. This year is the year of the presidential election. For most freshman and quite a few sophomores it will be the first year they get to have their voice heard with the casting of a ballot. It is also the first year that USU Eastern is participating in a state-wide competition known as Campus Cup.
Campus Cup is a competition between every college campus in Utah. The goal is to get students to play an active role in citizenship by voting. There are two parts to this competition. The first is registration. If a USU Eastern student registers to vote and posts on social media about it with #usuevotes, it gets counted as a point for USU Eastern. The second part is voting. It’s the same process. A student would need to post they voted with that hashtag. It’s that easy.
USU Eastern’s SUN Center has hosted a few events to boost its numbers in registering to vote. Lindsey Elias and Adam Brinkworth created a booth to urge student to register. They had the booth at a couple events to advertise the campaign. The main one was club rush. There was a table with a golden cup used to represent the “Campus Cup”. At the table they registered people to vote and had them take a picture with the “Campus Cup” and post it to social media with the hashtag. This was successful and actually put USU Eastern in the lead of the competition, but that isn’t enough.
In order to stay on top, USU Eastern students have to keep using the hashtag, registering and eventually voting. For more information and help on registration go to the SUN Center located on the second floor of the student center. #usuevotes