February 23, 2025

Breakaway retreat set for next week


This archived article was written by: D’layna Hickman

As the snow melts and the air temperature rises, students are only thinking of one thing. Springtime is near, and with springtime comes every student’s favorite time spring break. In planning spring break students have many options. They could stay here and catch up on homework, they could go home and spend time with family, or they could participate in a life changing service opportunity known as Breakaway.
Breakaway is annual event held by the SUN Center. It is a week long trip to the Navajo reservation to help improve their living conditions. A few projects that have been done, but are not limited to, are building handicapped ramps, burning weeds, installing water systems, building indoor bathrooms, repairing fences, roofing, and painting. That isn’t to say that Breakaway is just about work. Students also get the opportunity to learn about the Navajo culture and even get to stay in a real Hogan. They get tours of Anasazi ruins and they make friends while doing so.
According to Terry Johnson, “[Service is] invaluable. You don’t get the full benefit from the college experience unless you help people. Particularly if you can do service in the realm of your career. It can help you find what you want to do.” Breakaway is an opportunity to be involved in service and to help a student’s college experience become a great one. Student can take away just as much as they give by joining this trip.
If a student is interested they need to get into contact with Terry Johnson at [email protected]. Student will need to bring sleeping bags and a “good attitude”. There will be a meeting to determine when students will be leaving and what else to bring. Anyone can participate if they pay the $50 fee. If a student cannot handle the financial burden they can contact Johnson and discuss some options. Johnson just wanted to say one thing, “Come join us it’s a great learning experience you will never have an opportunity quite like this.”