January 22, 2025

Take a Closer Look at Mike King’s work


Gallery East’s second exhibit of the spring semester features photographs by Price native Mike King and is part of USU Eastern’s Year of the Arts celebration. Titled “Take a Closer Look,” the photos will be displayed from Feb. 5 through Mar. 2 in USUE’s Central Instructional Building.
 “I’ve had a deep interest in wildlife and nature since I was a young boy,” King, a USUE professor of wildlife sciences, said. “My dad took me fishing, hunting and on field trips with his biology classes. These early experiences ultimately led me to pursue graduate degrees in zoology and wildlife science, and then college faculty positions in wildlife ecology and management.”
“Initially, I developed a real interest in photography while conducting wildlife research,” he says. “I wanted to document what I saw so others could see the same things that I had. Ultimately, this motivated me to improve my photography skills and enhance my ability to share my knowledge of the intricacies and beauties of the natural world.”
For King, the natural surroundings of Eastern Utah offer some of the best subjects for his camera’s viewfinder.
“The world, especially Utah, has a diversity of places to gain an appreciation of nature, and I believe that there is no better way to gain such an appreciation than to ‘Take a Closer Look,’ close to home – sometimes even right out your own back door in Eastern Utah.”
The 38 images in this exhibit feature wildlife and natural habitats of Southeastern Utah. “My favorite subjects to photograph are wildlife, but when they don’t cooperate, I turn my attention to unique patterns visible in other living things and their non-living surroundings,” King says. “I particularly like to photograph lichens, wildflowers, sunrises and sunsets, dead trees (snags), rock patterns, etc.” Viewers will be delighted to see the diverse mix of natural subjects in this exhibit.
Gallery East is free and open to the public during the academic year from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed weekends and holidays. The artist’s reception is Friday, Feb. 9 from 6-8 p.m.
Contact Noel Carmack, at 435-613-5241 or email [email protected] for any questions about the exhibit.