October 22, 2024

Be like Mike

Mayor reaches out to involve youth in community Jon Banasky guest writer   Price City…

Mayor reaches out to involve youth in community

Jon Banasky
guest writer
Price City Mayor Michael Kourianos is not a politician, he is a family man first and foremost, and  a leader second. Kourianous is the same person at work, home and city hall. He has a lot of fun, because why not? Taking yourself serious is overrated.
My first interaction with Major Kourianos was in an interview while he was running for election. While interviewing him, I expected it to be like every other candidate’s interview where the candidate rambled about the glory days of coal mining, kids need to get off their phones and how millennials are end of the world. Instead, he was extremely candid about his campaign and why he was running. He was also respectful about things in which we disagreed. When he was elected, he did not change.
Kourianos did not run because he needed a job or insurance. He ran because he cares about the people in and around Price. I have the privilege of working with him on the Price City Youth Council and the first thing that amazed me was that he truly listened to us.
At first we were like box fully puppies, everyone going in different directions. So he worked with us. Mike brings actual questions to the youth council because he has mentored us and trusts us. Mike understands what is going on in people’s minds.
When the idea of having a party and inviting college and high school students to come, came up, he helped the Youth Council get it done because we wanted to do it. He is working on Bird Scooters to go along with the Blue Bikes because why not have something cool to do.
Mike brings actual questions to the youth council because he has mentored us and trusts us. Mike understands what is going on in people’s minds. He talked to the council about citizens complaining about loud music in the park. His response to us was that he used to play loud music in the park.
Being apart of the Price City Youth Council is about changing the community around you. You do not even have to be from Price or live in Price to be apart of it, the majority of the members live outside city limits. If you are a College or high school student and want to make changes that actually matter plus are cool, email Sherry Gordon [email protected] and say why and what you want to do with the Youth Council this summer and next year.