How safe is this campus according to Clery Report?

Crime on Utah college campuses is significant with the University of Utah having the highest amount of crime in the most categories. Utah State University Eastern’s crime rate proves it to be the safest campus in 2018.
The U of U was the only college in Utah to have a murder on it’s campus in 2018, according to the Clery Report. The most frequent crime on college campuses in Utah is burglary, with the highest number being 40, also at the U of U. The most arrests were for drugs, with the biggest number being 58 arrests at the U of U.
University of Utah
In 2018, the U of U had one homicide, the only one across Utah colleges. There were other high numbers as well, with the U being the second highest for sexual assault with 12. There were 40 burglaries, three robberies and 13 motor vehicle thefts on campus. There were four aggravated assaults, 24 counts of domestic violence, three counts of dating violence and 30 stalkings plus two counts of arson. There were 58 arrests for drug abuse violations, five for alcohol and one for weapons.
Weber State University
Weber ranks highest in the state with 19 sexual assaults. It has had three burglaries and three vehicle thefts. It’s had three aggravated assaults, four counts of domestic violence, seven counts of dating violence and three stalkings. There were four arrests made for drug abuse violations and two for liquor law violations.
The campus reported three sexual assaults, one aggravated assault, two counts of domestic violence, one count of dating violence and seven stalkings. There was a burglary, motor-vehicle theft, 14 drug and nine liquor law violations.
At USU, three sexual assaults were reported, along with a robbery and six burglaries. There were two counts of domestic violence, one count of dating violence and four stalkings. There were 21 arrests for drug law violations and 53 arrests for liquor law violations.
USU Eastern
One case of sexual assault at USU Eastern was reported, along with one burglary and two motor-vehicle thefts. There was one count of domestic violence and two stalkings. Four arrests for drug law violations and two for liquor law violations were made.
Four rapes were reported at Snow College, along with a burglary, an aggravated assault, one count of dating violence and one stalking. There were eight arrests for drug law violations and seven liquor law violations.
Southern Utah University
Two rapes were reported at SUU, along with two motor-vehicle thefts, one robbery and one burglary. There was one aggravated assault, four stalkings and four arrests for liquor law violations.
Dixie State University
Six rapes were reported at DSU, along with two burglaries and one vehicle theft. There were two counts of domestic violence, 14 arrests for drug abuse violations and 38 arrests for liquor law violations.
Salt Lake Community College
There was only one case of rape at SLCC, three burglaries and one vehicle theft. There were two counts of arson, two counts of domestic violence, one arrest for liquor law violations and one for drug abuse violations.
Brigham Young University
BYU reported three rapes, nine-motor vehicle thefts and two burglaries, four counts of aggravated assault, nine counts of domestic violence, one count of dating violence and 32 stalkings. There was one arrest for liquor law violations and 15 for drug abuse violations.
Westminster College
Westminster College reported three rapes, seven motor vehicle thefts, nine burglaries, two counts of domestic violence and one stalking. There was one arrest for a drug abuse violation.
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