October 22, 2024

Point-Counterpoint: Halloween Tradition

It’s the one night (almost) everybody looks forward to. Costumes are planned, thermals are layered (if you live in Carbon County at least), and whether you carry a pillowcase or bucket, everyone goes out for one thing: candy. 

The tradition of Halloween taking place on the 31st of October dates back to the old Celtic holiday of All Hallows Eve or, to respect chronological timelines, Samhain. This night has been chilling and thrilling people since the 1700s. Adopted for its folkloric spook factor, Halloween is said to be the one night where the veil between supernatural and mortal worlds is thinnest. So, with all this history and nostalgia in mind, how could anyone contemplate moving such a great night out of something as frivolous as convenience? 

Part of the thrill of Halloween is going out on a school night, running rampant around town, and filling your gut up to the brim with every assorted candy imaginable.

If Halloween falls on a Saturday naturally, fantastic, but whether the 31st takes place on Thursday or Sunday, it should still be respected for its traditional date. How are you ever supposed to show off your amazing costume to your friends at school? The anticipation waiting for it to get dark will completely vanish knowing you have plenty of time to relax, versus running right home from school or work, blasting Monster Mash, and assembling the costume you’ve waited all month to bring to life. Of course, everyone should be careful when out trick-or-treating, but caution can and should be applied anytime you are outside and around roadways; especially at night. 

Now, is going to work or class the next day with a vengeful stomach or severe sugar crash the greatest experience? Perhaps not. But the way I see it, I earned that sugar crash fair and square! I pounded on every door, walked until my toes were icicles, and returned victorious for that stomach ache and therefore it is totally worth it. Besides, our mundane weekdays could use a little spice now and then!

 I’m not saying everyone feels that way because everyone has a different perspective on Halloween and I am admittedly a little hardcore when it comes to the spooky season. 

 What I am saying is, in a culture where traditions are monetized and marketed, the last thing we should be doing is taking a historical celebration, a piece of human tradition, and moving it to Saturdays for the meager convenience of it being a weekend. Embrace the autumnal spirit and let the holiday fall where it may.