Lauren’s Law implemented

After the tragic death of Lauren McClusky, Senate Bill 134, also known as Lauren’s Law, was passed in the 2019 session of the Utah Legislature.
This law states that Utah schools and technical colleges now have requirements on improving campus safety.
This includes the creation of a campus safety plan and faculty and student trainings.
The campus safety plan should include locations where people can find policies and procedures, victim rights, how the school informs the campus of a crime, availability of campus police, how to call campus police, efforts to increase campus safety and putting the safety plan on a website or around campus.
The training for students and faculty should include bystander intervention, sexual consent and awareness and prevention of offenses.
Lauren’s Law was to be implemented by schools by July of 2019. Each University must report to the Utah Legislature each November about how the implementation of Lauren’s Law is going.
In the next issue of the Eagle, there will be a story on how USU and USU Eastern are adhering to Lauren’s Law and what they are doing to follow the rules and guidleines. An interview with Tim Vitale from USU will discuss how the university is adhering to Lauren’s Law.