Diversity conference

The University of Utah’s Association Vice President for Student Development and Inclusion keynotes the sixth annual Diversity Conference Friday, Feb. 28, in Utah State University’s Geary Event Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Bryan Hubain Ph.D., focuses on improving the experiences and well-being of underrepresented students through challenge, support, collaboration and educational outreach to the campus community and surrounding external communities.
The conference theme is “Diversity is a Fact, Inclusion is an Act” and it is aimed to help create more inclusive environments.
“It is our duty and honor as a campus to try to build a more inclusive community,” Greg Dart, USUE associate vice president, said. “The work those involved in planning this conference put in is a big step in that direction.”
Cost is free to faculty, staff and students, while the community is $25 per person and includes breakfast, lunch and conference attendance. Continuing education credit in social work is available to attendees. Check in starts at 8:30 a.m.
Registration is available online at usueastern.edu/cdi/conference.