October 17, 2024

Meet Peyton Falslev from Cache Valley

USUE’s 2020-21 team includes (L-R) Cooper Frith, Malek Malual, Kevin Bethel, Kaden Tollestrup, Brax Jensen, Peyton LLoyd, Dillon Sorensen and Peyton Falslev.

“Some of the best friendships I have made in my life are those I have made with my teammates while here,” said Peyton Falslev. He is a 6-foot-4-inch-sophomore -guard/forward here at Utah State University Eastern and plays for the men’s basketball team. Falslev is from Benson, Utah, which is near Logan and he went to Skyview High School. He loves playing here and being part of the team. The coaches, the players and the community, are all aspects that Falslev enjoys about playing here at Eastern.

Since Falslev was here last year, he was able to see the difference between the coaching staffs. “The new coaching staff has been amazing! They have such great knowledge of the game of basketball,” he                                                                                   said. The coaches having such great knowledge must mean the players are learning a lot and becoming better players. 

“You can tell that they all really care about our development as players and want us to be the best that we can be.” When a coach really shows you, he cares it just makes the player want to work harder. “This year I feel excited every day to compete at practice, and most days find myself looking forward to being in the gym.”

The players here have such good relationships with each other. “That is another rewarding part of playing here is getting to know the guys and working hard with them every day.” It is just like coach Salmon said that this team has a sense of brotherhood. They enjoy being around each other and making these lifelong friendships. “We all know that we have each other’s back on and off the court which is so important,” Falslev said. 

Falslev is a sophomore, so he has been here longer than most players on the team. “I think that being in my second year I do feel a sense of responsibility to set a good example of hard work and dedication.” He tries to lead by example by playing his hardest on the court and performing well academically as well. Something he also tries to do is bring discipline. “Undisciplined players are hard to coach and can ruin the chemistry of a team.” 

Since COVID-19 is going around, the basketball season is going to be starting in January. “It has been a very long time to wait, but I think once the season gets here things will just feel normal and it will be nice to be able to play someone other than ourselves.” Once the season gets started it should be fun.

Falslev is extremely blessed for the opportunity to be at USUE. “I really do love the community here in Price… I couldn’t feel more blessed now to be where I am with the coaches that are here,” he said. Falslev is ready for the season to start just like everyone else is.