January 23, 2025

New Eagle editors named for spring semester

 The Eagle is back and at full force as we create a newspaper better than ever before. With our great staff and supportive advisors, we’re ready for the new semester.

Isabella Mohel, Managing Editor:

   Hello students and staff, I’m Bella. I’m a JCOM major. I’ve had a passion for writing since early elementary school, where I used to write fiction books in class. I was a staff writer my first year of my high school newspaper and then progressed from there to be an editor for two years, and head editor for my senior year.

   At Eastern, but more specifically, The Eagle Newspaper, we know that all students have a voice and everyone belongs here. We hope to be a safe place for the students here and make everyone feel heard. If you feel like you don’t belong anywhere, you belong here. 

   The Eagle is back and at full force as we create a newspaper better than ever before. With our great staff and supportive advisors, we’re ready for the new semester. We hope to meet some of you to feature your voice in our paper or add you to our staff.

Wyatt Boyle, Editor in Chief:

   Hello returning students and faculty, I’m Wyatt Boyle. I haven’t declared a major yet, but I’m an avid writer, runner and reader. I’m a sophomore here at USUE and our most veteran writer here at The Eagle. Next, I’d like to say that we’re thrilled to have everyone here. Whether you’re a returning student or a freshman, you belong here.

   This semester at the Eagle, we’re dedicated to putting out a quality product now more than ever. I won’t repeat the specifics, but I will emphasize again that we’re determined to be the voice of students here on campus.

   Our door will be open all semester long if you want to come in and talk to us personally. We’re happy to get to know everyone or solve any issues that might arise with our articles. Once again, welcome to the USUE Spring 2023 semester!

Nick K, Editor in Chief:

            Welcome back students and friends! My name is Nick Kretschmer, and I’m a Journalism and Communication major here at USU Eastern. I’ve been writing for newspapers since high school and particularly enjoy sports. I’m on the baseball team here at Eastern and am looking forward to a great season! I also rebuild vintage muscle cars in my free time, and enjoy going camping and doing all things outdoors.

            Here at The Eagle we want to make sure that this semester is the best one yet! We will do our best to represent the school and student body for the remainder of the year, and will incorporate your voices and opinions into what we put out every week.

Everyone here is excited to get started and experience this final semester together. Keep in mind that we would love to hear from you and value your voices! Together we can produce the most authentic, real news source there is!

Let’s go Eagles!! 

   A letter from all our editors:

   Welcome to a new semester on the campus of USU Eastern. The Eagle Newspaper is the university’s form of both news and a “yearbook” to capture memories for students and faculty. The newspaper is filled with passionate writers and talented photographers. As a team, The Eagle Newspaper works together to provide everyone at USUE with the most important news for the community and school. 

   With passionate writers, the paper holds many stories that are relevant to students and staff at USUE. The paper consists of movie reviews, game reviews, school news, community news, and world news. Connecting everything, the staff consists of multiple talented photographers that capture special moments from our students. We love to capture as many people as we can at these events so it’s important to check every issue and look for you and your friends. 

   The Eagle Newspaper has multiple different ways of being involved in our school. A physical paper is printed and delivered twice a month around campus. Additionally, we have a podcast created by creative and funny students, and a website for virtual news features. We also plan on creating an app to further help students stay connected and informed with happenings at school. The staff highlights big world news, and campus news, and captures special moments in photographs and writes recaps for school and sporting events.

   The Eagle Newspaper is the voice of the students and we want to be YOUR voice. The newspaper speaks on many topics. Being the voice of the students is of the utmost importance to our staff. The paper features guest writers as often as we can get stories from people, anyone on campus who wants to be heard can submit a story about anything. We accept any kind of story, whether you want your name on it or to be referred to anonymously. 

   The staff does their best to capture as many memories and keep the campus updated as much as possible on things happening around them. From all the editors here at the Eagle, welcome!