March 3, 2025

Top 5 back exercises

Your back is the second most used muscle on your body after the legs, the back can be an important part of how you look.

The back is one of the most important muscles on your body. Your back is the second most used muscle on your body after the legs, the back can be an important part of how you look. So, what are the five best exercises to do to grow your back? 

Starting off with number five close grip seated row. What is a close-grip seated row? A close grip is a seated cable machine with a close grip attachment such as a V handle. What does this exercise do for your back? it will hit the middle muscles in the back such as the trapezius, rhomboids, and some rear delt. A close grip row is great for adding more definition and thickness to the back. 

Number four lat pull-downs. A lat pulldown is an exercise performed at a seated cable machine with the ability to be pulled in a downward motion towards the chest usually with a longer bar. The lat pull-down is a great exercise to add width to the back. Because it targets the latissimus dorsi and the Teres Major and minor. 

Number three bent-over row. A bent-over row is done using a barbell. With your feet and shoulder with apart, and with a bend at the hips you pull the bar up towards your lower chest.  Attempting to keep your elbows close to your side. A bent-over row is a great exercise, for targeting your latissimus dorsi, Teres Major, and Trapezius.  

Number two is the chest-supported bent-over row. What’s different between a bent-over row and a chest-supported bent-over row? A chest-supported bent-over row is done with dumbbells not a bar as well as your chest is supported by a bench and giving you more freedom of what part of your back you’d like to target, for example keeping your elbows close to your body will target more of the latissimus dorsi and Teres Major. But adding more flair to your elbows and keeping them farther from your body will target more of the middle back such as the trapezius, rhomboids, and rear delt. Number one is the deadlift. There has been controversy over rather or not a deadlift is a good back exercise over the past few years.  I’m here to put that to rest, deadlift is the best exercise you can do for your back. Everyone from Russel Orhii (world-class powerlifter) to three-time Mr. Olympia winner Chris Bumstead Deadlift. Why is Deadlifting such a great back exercise? Deadlifting works your back in a different way than nearly every other exercise, deadlifting will work your whole back from your lats to your rhomboids and even your lower and upper traps. Not only that deadlifting puts a pulling strain on your back causing thickness to the back which is hard to achieve without the pulling strain deadlifting gives. The pulling will also be a strain on your Lats causing wideness to the back