“Outer Banks” review
Although this season was full of drama and everything went wrong which did get frustrating, this was probably my favorite season and I can’t wait for season four to be released already.

The first season of Outer Banks aired on Netflix in April of 2020. The series was created by Josh Pate, Jonas Pate and Shannon Burke. In the first season we learn and build the connection with the lead characters, John B, JJ, Kiara and Pope. Viewers learn about John B’s late father and lost treasure from The Royal Merchant, he had found. The second season we watch as chaos breaks out when they try to find the treasure. However the best season so far has to be season three.
At the end of season two we learn that John B’s dad isn’t dead. Then in the beginning of season three we get clarification that it indeed was his dad and he is looking for John B. In episode three we get the reunion between the two that I think all of the fans were hoping for.
We also find out at the end of season two that the main antagonist we thought was dead, is in fact alive. But instead of having to deal with him, we have to deal with his son who is just as annoying. On top of this guy’s son, we meet another antagonist, Singh. He has to be the most intimidating antagonist this show has seen. He is the only antagonist that I’ve felt might do significant damage to the characters.
Season three also has arguably the romantic drama. JJ starts to act on his feelings with Kiara and vice versa, which hurts Pope. Then Pope starts to fall for Cleo, which for some reason hurts Kiara. JJ shuts down Kiara and refuses to talk about it and constantly insults her, which ruins their friendships. Then Sarah cheats on John B, and again for some reason, she is shocked when he breaks up with her only for them to get back together.
John B finally gets his dad back only for him to be kidnapped by Singh resulting in John B and JJ going to South America to save him. Of course nothing can go to plan though so John B has to get arrested, Kiara gets sent to camp, anything that could possibly go wrong, does. But Sarah, John B, Pope, Cleo, and Ward Cameron make it on a plane. JJ and Kiara make it on a different plane. Even though there was no plan to where they were going to meet up after flying in two different planes and two different times, Kiara and JJ find the other pogues immediately.
Although this season was full of drama and everything went wrong which did get frustrating, this was probably my favorite season and I can’t wait for season four to be released already.
This show can get frustrating with everything constantly going wrong, but the relationship between the characters is what keeps most viewers engaged.