March 26, 2025

Leadership groups seen on campus


   What are the leadership groups offered on Utah State University Eastern campus? The first one I want to explain is being an RA. 

RA’s–resident advisors–are students who serve as role models, peer advisors, resources, and friends to students and staff. They help provide the students with a smooth transition when starting college. They can help with problems you have such as being homesick, not adjusting to a roommate, and complications that may arise when moving into campus housing.

    Every student has 24/7 access to an RA’s help even when the office is closed. Each resident hall on campus has a Hall Director living in each of the dorms. Their responsibilities include knowing each resident, serving as a resource, forcing students to follow the university’s policies, maintain a learning environment, mediate conflicts that arise in the resident halls, and helping students resolve problems. 

   These students are led by two amazing advisors Eric Curwen (Director of Campus Life/Housing) and Sharon Jones (Administrative Assistant of Campus Life). 

   “Being an RA is amazing” Joe Olsen said. “Maybe sometimes we are seen as the bad guy, but ultimately, we want everyone to be safe. Getting to know everyone in our halls is probably the best thing about being RA.”

   The second leadership position that is offered on campus is Ambassador. An Ambassador’s main focus is to develop their leadership skills by going to high schools, hosting campus tours, and holding recruitment events. They focus on getting the enrollment rates higher each year by doing these things. They are led by Kristalyn Hepworth (Assistant Director of Recruitment).

   The third leadership is USUSA which is Utah State University Student Association. There are different positions on this leadership team which include, Vice President (Dyson Lighthall), Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Haylee Prescott), Director of Events (Sailor Jensen), Student Advocate (Shaun Bryner), Chief of Staff (Madysen Probs), Clubs and Organizations Representative (Kaitlyn Jacobs), Publics Relations Manager (Mollie Horsley), Athletics and Campus Recreation Representative (Berkeley Dymock), Traditions and Event Coordinator (Lily Hyde), Bachelor, Non- Traditional and Alumni Liaison (Kacie Brady), Diversity Representative (Esi Johnson), Operations Manager (Kyler Minchey), SUN Center Representatives (Madisen Justesen & Brooklyn Mackay).

Despite the variety of positions on campus, the team works together amazingly to provide the campus with fun events to get all the students involved. Their main goal is to focus on making the campus inclusive by engaging students outside of the classroom environment.

   “USUSA provides fun events students can participate in outside of class,” said Madisen Justesen when asked about being a part of USUSA leadership, “as well as gets the community and students engaged in service and other activities. Don’t forget Sweater Swap October 12 Bring an old sweater to donate and you will receive a one-of-a-kind Utah State Eastern Crew Neck.

   “USUSA is an opportunity to make meaningful change on this campus,” said Shaun Bryner about his position as Student Advocate. “When I was in my first years before getting active, some people went out of their way to say hi, talk to me, and make me feel sought out and included. I want to do this for other people. My position as student advocate is a perfect position to be involved with students, make them feel heard, and be their friend.”

   The next leadership group is Campus Recreation. In this position they focus on providing outdoor adventures to have students be involved with and adventure outside of class. office where you can rent out any equipment you need for the year. You can rent bikes, scooters, longboards, pickleball paddles, and so much more, all for free!

   Another leadership team on campus is Peer Mentors. Peer mentor’s position is to help assist college students and mentors through their college experience. The last leadership team is an Aggies Elevated Peer Mentor. This leadership position consists of a student being assigned another student to have students with intellectual disabilities set personal, academic, and employment goals. The student mentors monitor these students and help monitor them in the process of achieving these goals.

   Being on a leadership team at USUE provides a way for students to get involved and also have a say in what happens on the campus to help improve what needs to be changed or fixed to help provide the best environment for students at Utah State Eastern.