March 26, 2025

Enrollment numbers at Utah State University Eastern

Utah State University Eastern’s enrollment numbers continue to drop from 2022 to  2023. According to USU’s office of Analysis, Assessment, and Accreditation (AAA) USUE’s  headcount dropped 90 students; from 793 of 703 students. The numbers are following the trend of a decline since the headcount of 1,229 in 2014-2015, or 526 students down nine years.

Since 2015, AAA reports Eastern’s enrollment getting lower each year, save for a slight resurgence in 2019-2020 where the headcount increased by five, going from 1,224 to 1,229.

Of the 10 colleges and schools at USU, The Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services is the largest reported school on Eastern’s campus with a headcount of 193. There are no majors in College of Education of Human Services; six majors in communicative disorders and deaf education department; 12 majors in human development and family studies; three majors in instructional tech & learning sciences; 12 majors in kinesiology & health services; 90 nursing majors; 23 psychology majors; 35 majors in school of teacher education and leadership; 12 in special education and rehabilitation department.

The College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is the second largest reported school on campus with a headcount of 148. There are no majors in the agricultural department; two majors in the animal, dairy, and veterinary sciences department; two majors in the applied economics department; 98 majors in aviation & technical ed; no majors in landscape architecture and environmental planning department; two majors in nutrition, dietetics & food science; two in plant, soils and climate department; 16 majors in school of applied sciences, technology, and education; 26 majors in TDTE (technology, design and technical education).

The College of Humanities and Social Science is the third largest school on campus with a headcount of 85. There are eight majors in the English department; seven majors in the history department; two majors in humanities, art, & social sciences; five majors in the journalism and communication department; one major in languages, philosophy and communication studies department; one major in the political science department; and 61 majors in the sociology, social work and anthropology department.

The Jon H. Huntsman School of Business is the fourth largest reported school on campus with a headcount of 27. There is one major in the business department; three majors in data analytics; two majors in economics and finance; six in management department; eight in marketing, and seven in the school of accountancy. 

The S.J. & Jesse E. Quinney College of Natural Resources is the fifth largest reported school on campus with a headcount of 20. There are six majors in the environment and society department; one major in the natural resources department; none in the watershed sciences department; 13 majors in wildland resources department.

The Caine College of the Arts is the sixth largest reported shool on campus with a headcount of 14. There are seven majors in the art and design department; and seven in the theatre arts department.

The College of Science is the seventh largest reported school on campus with a headcount of 13. Nine majors are in the biology department and four in the mathematics and statistics department.

The College of Engineering is the smallest reported school on campus. There is one major in the civil and environmental engineering department.

USU Logan has a headcount increase from 3,807 to 4,234. USU Blanding had a headcount of 232; USU Moab has a headcount of 69; USU Orem has a headcount of 68; USU Salt Lake City has a headcount of 128; USU Tooele has a headcount of 552; USU Kaysville has a headcount of 238; USU Brigham City has a headcount of 623; USU Uintah Basin has a headcount of 443; USU Southwest has a headcount of 43.

USU has 310 Out of State headcount students; one student in special programs; 729 headcount international students; 29 unspecified headcount students. 

“USU Eastern is unique in both the USU system and the state,” Dr. Doug Miller, Associate Vice President of USUE said. “No other institution has the breadth of programming that can be found here which, combined with accessibility and affordability, makes USU Eastern a perfect choice.”

The numbers don’t tell the whole story as students are achieving in academics and athletics at Eastern. With the push to bring an engineering program back and several four-year degrees available at Eastern, the future is bright.