Students sing their hearts out during Karaoke night

Karaoke nights seem to be on the rise in popularity throughout colleges around the United States. These events give people an opportunity to show off their talents, discover new talents, and have fun with friends. These nights also give people a chance to get out of their comfort zones and meet new people.
According to the article, “A Psychological Explanation for the Appeal of Karaoke” by Allie Volpe states, “A series of studies published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2013 made the case that music is closely related to one of our most basic human desires: to feel connected to other people.”
Connection, laughter, and singing were definitely happening on Tuesday Sept. 19. USU Eastern students were invited to attend Karaoke Night in the MPR. A flier was sent out over social media and hung up around campus to catch the attention of students. The flier read, “Come have fun singing and learning about Eastern clubs.”
Choosing what song, you are going to sing is very important. Many different varieties of songs were sung throughout the night by students including: Let it Go by Idina Menzel, Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton, Surface Pressure by Jessica Darrow and many more. USUSA members even joined in the singing and serenaded the audience with Your Man by Josh Turner. There were winners chosen throughout the night that received prizes that came along with winning. Martel Williams was the overall winner of the night. He won a brand-new karaoke machine.
“Martel Williams won the karaoke machine and sang in the Aaron Jones dorms after.” Brooklyn Mackay, USUSA member, said.
USUSA also selected a group winner. Tiara Otteson was a part of the group she mentioned, “It was so fun. It was me, Autumn Kiefer, Jaycie Iverson, and Shaylee. We just kept going up singing and dancing around without really caring too much about what people thought. Everyone was having a good time which made it way more fun.”
The group prize was the choice of anything that they wanted from the school store. Karaoke night seemed to be loved by all who attended. We hope that this will be a tradition that will stay here at USU Eastern, and that we can see the talents of many more students to come.
“I went to Karaoke Night the other week and it was such a fun event. USUSA works so hard to put on their events and this was no exception.” Hannah Spackman, USU Eastern student said, “I loved watching people get out of their comfort zone and sing alone or in groups. My favorite performance of the night was by a guy who sang Tennessee Whiskey. He gave Chris Stapleton a run for his money. I look forward to attending more events throughout the rest of the year.”
Sophie Jensen, USU Eastern student said, “I love when the school puts on events like these so students can all come together and just have fun with each other. The energy was so fun during Karaoke Night and everyone was laughing and singing.”