February 17, 2025

Ten studs: one crown

Friday night is when the contestants for Mr. CEU will strut their stuff and show which of the eleven contestants will become Mr. CEU. The pageant is a spoof of the Miss CEU pageant, but shows off the “big men on campus.”


This archived article was written by: Alexis Sharp

Friday night is when the contestants for Mr. CEU will strut their stuff and show which of the eleven contestants will become Mr. CEU. The pageant is a spoof of the Miss CEU pageant, but shows off the “big men on campus.”
After a month of searching, the contestants and their sponsors include Kevin Collin Bonzi (KC) Smurthwaite sponsored by the scream team; Bradley Binkerhoff, IMA; David Osborne, golf club; Ashton Scarlet, gay-straight alliance; Willie Woodruff, IWA; Joel Garvin, swing club; Christopher Bevan, breakaway; Claudiu Bora, soccer club; Christopher Howes, LDSSA; and Ben Bjarnson, SUN Center.
Besides a talent segment, each contestant must give a personal platform. An example is Ashton Scarlet’s goal for Mr. CEU is to show CEU that you don’t have to be a woman, gorgeous or a gorgeous woman to win a pageant. Christopher Howes wants to put the “I back in team,” for his platform.
The competition is bringing all sorts of personalities to the stage. While others took a more humanitarian stance such as Brad Brinkhoff’s platform of fighting world hunger one little child at a time. KC Smurthwaite’s platform is “change we can believe in. I also think its time for a change in Mr. CEU, I am going to make changes CEU can believe in.” Others took their platform on a government laws such as Ben Bjarnson’s platform of” No child left behind.”
Needless to say this should be quite a show. Mr. CEU is Friday, Feb. 13 at 7:30 p.m. in Geary Theatre. Organizers hope you support the big men on campus. Oh and a quick side note is that Mr. CEU is not obligated to take Miss CEU’s hand in marriage after the competitions.