March 6, 2025

SUN Center’s assistance with run, walk, roll

CEU students not only helped with the annual 5K Run Walk and Roll, they participated in the event.
Ryan Nelson , CEU SUN Center volunteer, took first place in the Sixth Annual Active Re-Entry 5K Race on Sept. 26 in Price. Second place was won by Tiffany Parker, a CEU alumna. This was only the second race that both Nelson and Parker entered and first wins for both racers. After his win, a not-so-tired Nelson doubled back to run the race again.


This archived article was written by: courtesy of SUN Center

CEU students not only helped with the annual 5K Run Walk and Roll, they participated in the event.
Ryan Nelson , CEU SUN Center volunteer, took first place in the Sixth Annual Active Re-Entry 5K Race on Sept. 26 in Price. Second place was won by Tiffany Parker, a CEU alumna. This was only the second race that both Nelson and Parker entered and first wins for both racers. After his win, a not-so-tired Nelson doubled back to run the race again.
Active Re-Entry is a community-based program which assist individuals with disabilities to achieve or maintain self-sufficient and productive lives. This past year, the government completely eliminated funding for its assistive technology program. In an effort to serve those who wish to remain independent, they held the race in hopes of raising enough money to do repairs on motorized equipment such as power wheelchairs and scooters as well as purchasing tires, batteries and grab bar.
Sixty four people participated; some in scooters, some on bikes, many walked while some brought their dogs. One runner had her old dog in a wheelchair and pushed him in the race. They represented all ages, from 6 to 80.
The weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to enjoy the fresh air. This event brought in $3,900 that will assist with the program.
Twelve CEU volunteers helped with the race, gave directions, provided water, displayed flags, and cheered all the participants on.