March 14, 2025

Broadening the mind; best reason to travel

Everyone should travel. It broadens the mind says Jennifer Trushka, a political science instructor who spent three weeks touring Egypt last summer.
An international traveler who has already been to Brazil, Romania Greece, France and Italy, Trushka decided to visit Egypt because of its vast spiritual history and its culture.

This archived article was written by: Cassidy Scovill

Everyone should travel. It broadens the mind says Jennifer Trushka, a political science instructor who spent three weeks touring Egypt last summer.
An international traveler who has already been to Brazil, Romania Greece, France and Italy, Trushka decided to visit Egypt because of its vast spiritual history and its culture.
When she first arrived in Egypt, she swam in the waters of the Nile and various Oasis. This is where she theorized she got struck down with a case of dysentery, and spent two weeks out of her trip recuperating. “The thing that cured it was hard alcohol,” Trushka explained. She went on this tour with a couple of New Zealanders who were hard-core drinkers and partiers. They were never struck down with any affliction, and this she theorized, was due to drinking.
She traveled across the country to visit Cairo, Luxor, Aswan and Alexandria. In Alexandria she visited some interesting historical sites. These were Roman sites, where the rituals of the Egyptians and the rituals of the Romans were combined. The normal Egyptian hieroglyphics were depicted by the Romans in a more “cartoony” way.
“The people were always moving, always trying to get you to do something or buy something from them,” she said. The food isn’t what you normally think Egyptian food is going to be like, there were pastas and bean dishes and few of the traditional Arabic meals and very few fruits or, vegetables.
She visited the Great Pyramids which were too crowded with tourists for her to get a real look at anything. So when she asked her guide about the pyramids at Sakkara, he was taken aback. She was the first American to ever ask him to take them to Sakkara. These pyramids were empty of tourists, and when she went in, she went alone. It was hot and humid inside, and it smelled terrible. “The smell was from bats and small rodent defecation because nobody keeps the animals out,” she said.
“If I ever go to another country I plan on having a shot for every night I’m there,” said Trushka. She continues her travels this summer with a trip to Guatemala, and perhaps she’ll find out what this 2012 prophecy is all about.