March 6, 2025

CEU’s undiscovered heroes

Did you know that the College of Eastern Utah is full of unfound heroes? You see them every day, students learn from them and sit in their classes and maybe even sit by them in classes.
These heroes are not looking for publicity or even medals; because most of them have already earned all they wanted. These heroes are the men and women of our armed forces, whether they are serving, retired or disabled; they served our country with valor.


This archived article was written by: Dave Adams

Did you know that the College of Eastern Utah is full of unfound heroes? You see them every day, students learn from them and sit in their classes and maybe even sit by them in classes.
These heroes are not looking for publicity or even medals; because most of them have already earned all they wanted. These heroes are the men and women of our armed forces, whether they are serving, retired or disabled; they served our country with valor.
These men and women probably wouldn’t tell you that they served so you won’t even know that they exist, but they are there. But say you do know one, have you thanked them lately or told them how proud you are of them for keeping our country free?
Some of these heroes, served in conflicts from as far back as Vietnam and as recent as Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Some didn’t serve in combat, they volunteered for the country that they love.
Business professor David Cassidy served in the U. S. Army between 1965 and 1969. “These were exciting times; a lot was happening with the war in Vietnam and protest in our country.” He was stationed at the Pentagon and his job was a counter intelligence officer for the army.
More of CEU’s heroes include Dondra Nance, the colleges grant director for the Upward Bound program. She served in the U.S. Navy for eight years. During her term of service she preformed her duties as a jet engine mechanic in San Diego, CA. “I was the only female in a company of 32 males; life was tough back then, the military did not have the same policies as they do today for sexual harassment and equal opportunity.”
Heroes come in all different professions, CEU’s short order cook Glade Wallen, served four years in the Marine Corps. When asked his likes and dislikes he stated “what’s not to like about the corps but what’s not to hate either, you literally hate the things that you like. Most of all I miss the structure of the corps and my battle buddies from Iraq.”
As for myself, I served just less than 10 years in the U. S. Army as an EOD Technician. Some of my fondest moments were in Iraq, protecting all the people and freedom of that country. I love my country very much and would do it all over again. Our country’s freedom means the most to me and defending it was an honor.
On Nov. 11 I hope you took a moment to step back and remember those who have fallen. If you see one of the many heroes on campus, take time to shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate them for what they did or are still doing.