October 17, 2024

Let Freedom Ring.

La Wayne Snow
staff writer
[email protected]
Welcome back to another Conservative Corner and I am your radical right-winger. People: to all those who desire to find truth and knowledge in politics, I recommend a well written book, “Let Freedom Ring- Winning the War of Liberty Over Liberalism” by Sean Hannity. Yes, you read correctly, one of the heavyweight conservative attack dogs in the media. If you are willing to listen to little old opinionated me, you’ll enjoy the professional and well-researched factual book Hannity wrote.

This archived article was written by: La Wayne Snow

La Wayne Snow
staff writer
[email protected]
Welcome back to another Conservative Corner and I am your radical right-winger. People: to all those who desire to find truth and knowledge in politics, I recommend a well written book, “Let Freedom Ring- Winning the War of Liberty Over Liberalism” by Sean Hannity. Yes, you read correctly, one of the heavyweight conservative attack dogs in the media. If you are willing to listen to little old opinionated me, you’ll enjoy the professional and well-researched factual book Hannity wrote.
This is a book full of great information and unlike the un-credibility of Michael Moore and his made up fantasies of the Bush administration and his documentary which will eventually find its way on the fiction shelves, or at least it should. Hannity’s book will be known for its credibility due to his professional, intelligence and good healthy living (as compared to mister too many cheeseburgers himself). For example, chapter four goes into the avenues of our national defense comparing old democrats with the new and unimproved liberal democrats such as Tom Daschle or Ted Kennedy who are potently against our nation’s military and have the records to prove it. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy knew the importance of our military force and its need to be stronger and second to none. Back when the Democratic Party wasn’t overrun by these modern liberals who think they know what is best.
Another great chapter is chapter nine about the “Wonderful Porcupine Caribou.” What is it about, I’ll tell you? Oil: plain and simple. He explains that the OPEC Cartel and all the Middle-Eastern countries constantly use oil as a weapon of war for the evil western civilization better known as America due to our dependency of their oil. Yet in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or ANWR lies the biggest oil reserve in American history. But the environmentally unsound liberals are too worried that the Caribou will be disturbed. Hannity lets you know the advantage of drilling and using these reserves and how it will not damage the mating migration of these overabundant Caribou.
I recommend this book to any and everyone. He covers almost every issue that is mainstream today and although this book is nearly outdated, I still recommend it because the message is up to date. Forward and onward to a greater nation.