March 6, 2025

Library Corner

Lori Brassaw, MLS
CEU Reference Librarian
Traditionally most people think of libraries as large quiet buildings which house many books on all types of subjects and interests. This traditional view of a library is correct but incomplete. Most libraries today, in addition to providing access to hardcopies of books, also have what is known in today’s information rich society as electronic books or e-books.

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw, MLS

Lori Brassaw, MLS
CEU Reference Librarian
Traditionally most people think of libraries as large quiet buildings which house many books on all types of subjects and interests. This traditional view of a library is correct but incomplete. Most libraries today, in addition to providing access to hardcopies of books, also have what is known in today’s information rich society as electronic books or e-books.
CEU Library subscribes to over 4,315 e-books through a company called NetLibrary. NetLibrary’s collection of “eBook”titles is available to CEU students, faculty, staff and community patrons. Users may access eBooks from home as well as on campus via the Internet. As students, this means you have the ability to find resources for your studies 24/7.
In order to make use of the NetLibrary eBook collection, you must first visit CEU Library and create a free account. It is quick and easy to set up the account using an ID, password and e-mail address. The service is free to CEU library cardholders. A direct link to NetLibrary is available on the library’s homepage,
Users of eBooks can search across the entire eBook collection for author, titles, or keyword and they can search within eBooks for keywords and phrases. eBooks are available for checkout and are automatically checked back into the library collection when the checkout period expires, making the eBook available for another user.
Through our subscription to NetLibrary’s eBook collection the library is able to significantly increase the size of the collection without the worry of finding additional space to hold the books. Books in all subjects and interests are available. The eBook looks exactly like the hardcopy of the book but instead of holding the book in your hand as you read pages, you read pages on a computer monitor. NetLibrary does allow for printouts of pages for private use, however, it is not permissible to print out the entire book.
Please drop by the CEU Library and find out more about NetLibrary’s eBooks and see how nontraditional your library has become!