March 6, 2025

Ambassadors plan Eagle Escapes

Morgan Hampton
staff writer
[email protected]
As many of you noticed this past weekend, the Ambassador booth was surrounded by high school seniors, but what many of you don’t know is why. Starting in November, every two weekends, the ambassadors host a college visit day for high school seniors. This year the visits have been named “Eagle Escapes,” incorporating the school mascot along with escaping for a couple days from high school to a college environment. This past Eagle Escape, 12 students came for the overnight stay.

This archived article was written by: Morgan Hampton

Morgan Hampton
staff writer
[email protected]
As many of you noticed this past weekend, the Ambassador booth was surrounded by high school seniors, but what many of you don’t know is why. Starting in November, every two weekends, the ambassadors host a college visit day for high school seniors. This year the visits have been named “Eagle Escapes,” incorporating the school mascot along with escaping for a couple days from high school to a college environment. This past Eagle Escape, 12 students came for the overnight stay.
The seniors’ experience on campus starts t-shirts at 1p.m. when they check in. They receive a packet with scholarship and application information, a map and general education information as well as special Eagle Escape t-shirts that they can keep as memory of their experience. Then the Ambassadors take the group out on a campus tour and show the students around campus, touring all of the buildings. They take them through the dorms as well so the seniors can get a feel for what campus living is like at CEU.
As they go through the campus tour, the Ambassadors make sure that the students are able to talk to professors and see class sizes (class size is important because no one likes too many studentsin a club). After the campus tour, the students meet with ASCEU to get to know the officers and play games to loosen up after taking in all that campus information. ASCEU introduces their leadership officers and usually has some brain teaser games and teamwork games to get the students to interact with each other.
After playing games with ASCEU, the Ambassadors take the students to meet with Todd Olsen to discuss and go over the scholarships and admissions applications so they better understand what the process is and the deadlines they need to meet in order to fully benefit in scholarships and admissions. After meeting with Olsen, the students are taken to dinner on the town with the Ambassadors to get some nourishment to prepare them for the rest of the evening. After dinner there are activities planned. Usually there is a home basketball game they attend. If not, then the Ambassadors plan an evening activity. After the activity, the projector and screen go up and a big-screen movie is shown to relax the students and get them ready for a night at the dorms. After the movie is over, it’s lights out and the students are separated for bedtime. Usually the students crash with the Ambassadors who have open rooms or beds.
That next morning the students are taken to breakfast and any last questions are answered. Then they are sent on their way back home.
The Eagle Escapes are an opportunity for the students to see our campus and see what CEU has to offer. Whenever you see the ambassadors taking the students around, feel free to talk to them and let them know how awesome CEU really is. Remember what it was like when you were a senior and you couldn’t wait to get out of high school and into college where the real fun begins.