March 6, 2025

Community reaches out to help many in need

This archived article was written by: Christine Olsen

Christine Olsen
staff writer
[email protected]
A Tsunami Relief Concert was scheduled for Tuesday, February 8 at the Price Civic Center. The event has changed, and now will be held on Wednesday, February 9 in the BDAC. It has also been expanded to help many others in need, including Tsunami survivors, the Carbon County Food Bank, Southern Utah Flood Victims and The Ronald McDonald House in Salt Lake City.
The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. with an open house to highlight the efforts of our community to help those in need. At 7 p.m., the program will begin with local performing groups including choirs from Sally Mauro Elementary, Castle Heights Elementary, Creekview Elementary, Wellington Elementary, Mont Harmon Jr. High School, Carbon High School, and Miss Carbon County and CEU student, Kimberly Jenks.
Price City Mayor Joe Piccolo will be the master of ceremonies and concessions and T-shirts will be sold, with all proceeds going to aid relief efforts for Tsunami survivors, Southern Utah Flood Victims, the Ronald McDonald House and the Carbon County Food Bank. Also, those in attendance will have the option to help assemble hygiene kits which will be sent to the countries most affected by the tsunami. An entrance fee will not be charged, but attendees are encouraged to donate either $1 or three cans of food.