January 13, 2025

Garvin to serve as student body president 2011-12

Despite being unopposed in the election, USU-CEU’s new student body president Tom Garvin used his election campaign time to prepare for next year. He was announced as president on Feb. 24.
Being involved with student government for the past four semesters and having grown up in Price, Garvin has seen many things that can be improved on campus. This made him want to run for student body president. “I have great ideas for the upcoming year to make those changes, and I wanted to bring them into play this year,” he said.

This archived article was written by: Valeria Moncada

Despite being unopposed in the election, USU-CEU’s new student body president Tom Garvin used his election campaign time to prepare for next year. He was announced as president on Feb. 24.
Being involved with student government for the past four semesters and having grown up in Price, Garvin has seen many things that can be improved on campus. This made him want to run for student body president. “I have great ideas for the upcoming year to make those changes, and I wanted to bring them into play this year,” he said.
Garvin has five goals for this next year. They are: 1- more student involvement in making decisions on campus by getting more students on committees that will allow them to voice their opinion and to be more involved on campus; 2- build a scholarship endowment fund by contacting past alumni and other groups to raise money for more scholarships; 3- run a more organized, better prepared student government that will provide a greater service for our students; 4- work with administrators and legislators to build new buildings on campus; 5- work with other leaders to help make our campus more safe and fun, and provide more opportunities for service.
His main goal this year is to raise the standard at USU-CEU. He wants students to pay it forward. Garvin wants this next year to be the year that changes how we function on campus. “To all the current students, I want you to make the change and help lift where your stand. Be more involved through committees, step out of your comfort zone, meet new people at activities and events that you wouldn’t normally attend, and set goals to make this next year one that will change your life and change who you will become.” This is the legacy that Garvin wants to leave, that more students will reach their full potential mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually.
Even though no one ran against Garvin it did not affect him. “I think that it just gave me a jump start on what I wanted to accomplish for next year. It allowed me to use the time to plan and prepare for the next year,” Garvin said.
Student government consists of about 22 hard working leaders and one advisor that helps keep them all in line. “We will be looking for new leaders for next year so make sure that you apply for a position,” he said.
As students at USU-CEU we can help Garvin achieve his goals by becoming involved and working on a committee. He wants every student to be involved with at least one leadership group on campus. “Make sure that you attend club rush because you can join one of the “crews” (committees) there or you can also get with the representatives for next year and they will tell you what time they meet. This will allow you to voice your opinion and make a difference on campus which will help me meet my goals for this year,” Garvin said.
Garvin see’s all of the student fees going back to the students. Student fees are there so that students have the resources they need to attend school and have a well-rounded and enjoyable experience on campus. He wants all students to attend the activities, use the facilities, read the newspaper, go to the athletic games, play intramural sports, and visit with the counselors because this is where the student fee money goes.
“If you are not going to as many of these as you can then you are wasting your money and not getting the college experience that you need to be successful in your future career. So please become more involved so that this money can make your experience here one that you will never forget,” he said.
“I think that I am like others when sometimes I doubt that my small contribution or opinion will not make a difference,” Garvin said. It is one that comes to us all but as Garvin continues to serve and work hard the doubt is removed and he is able to see what one person can do if they work hard. “I hope that my example will help others to step out of their comfort zone and share the light that they have to offer,” he said.
The biggest sacrifice that Garvin has made was the decision to get married and then start a family. It was a sacrifice because it required him to change and focus less on what he wants. “This has helped me grow in leadership because to be a good leader it is not all about you, but it is all about those you serve.” Garvin said.
Garvin is most proud of his family. “They are the best thing that has happened to me and I wouldn’t be who I am without their influence in my life,” Garvin said.
The longest day that Garvin has had is the day that he fell from a 20-25 foot cliff and only broke his heel. “It was one of those life changing experiences that helped humble me and helped me realize who I really was and who I needed to become,” he said.
Garvin plans on continuing his education and attending medical school so that he can achieve his overall goal of providing a solid income for his family. “I haven’t decided everything that I want to become but I am sure that it will include an aspect of business, politics, or some form of leadership,” Garvin said.