October 18, 2024

Top 10 useless degrees

1. Mrs. Degree- This is a new degree that is taking Utah and Eastern Idaho by storm. Most of you know somebody who is working towards this major. This degree is for women who just go to college to find a husband; hence the name of this established degree. Personally, I think that if a woman spends all this time and money going to college to find a husband, she seriously rethink her life. If that is what it takes for some women to find a husband maybe they should look at themselves and ask, “why?”


This archived article was written by: Kyle Van Amen

1. Mrs. Degree- This is a new degree that is taking Utah and Eastern Idaho by storm. Most of you know somebody who is working towards this major. This degree is for women who just go to college to find a husband; hence the name of this established degree. Personally, I think that if a woman spends all this time and money going to college to find a husband, she seriously rethink her life. If that is what it takes for some women to find a husband maybe they should look at themselves and ask, “why?”
2. Associates – Find me a job that just requires an associate’s degree that pays well enough to start a family on….yup, you can’t, especially in this day in age. Just put in another two years and get a degree that actually means something, or choose a degree that is not on this list.
3. Horticulture – This degree is the study of flowers. No, I’m not kidding you; there is really a degree for studying flowers. Unless you want a terrible salary and work for a company that studies flowers in the amazon you will be unemployed. You must really like flowers to make this your major.
4. Fashion Design- There are way too many people that do this and are horrible at it to make it a credible degree. Who will you work for? If this is your lifelong dream; you need to make a 180. There are already fashion designers out there that are more established than boarders to countries. How do you expect to make it with them? Go see your academic adviser now.
5. Theater- Unless you plan on teaching theater, there is no reason to major in it. Let’s get real; acting is not difficult at all! I have seen movies where country music stars, professional MMA fighters and professional athletes are acting and they are pretty good. I guarantee that you don’t need a degree to become an actor. Like I said, if you want to teach it, be my guest but don’t expect to be rolling in the dough.
6. Art History- I don’t know anyone who really cares about Art History. It’s one of those classes that you take in college for an art credit. Some people actually do this for a job! If this were my job I would jump off a bridge. I understand wanting to be an artist, but to major in Art History…come on! This is another degree that if you don’t teach it, you will be working at the dollar store.
7. Literature- Who really likes to read? I know some people who love to read….as a hobby. Getting a degree in literature is a complete waste of time and money. You will spend four years or your life studying books anyway. Why would you want to major in it? Only a unique person would want to spend all this time to major in literature and not make a dime. My suggestion is to change your major.
8. Oriental Medicine/Herbology- With this degree back in the day, you could have been the village witch doctor. That’s about the only use for it now. What a serious waste of time. This is the degree you see hanging on the wall of a Physics hut trying to make them seem legit.
9. Comedy Studies- If you have to get a degree in comedy studies to be funny, then you should probably accept the fact that you aren’t funny. Why does this degree even exist?
10. Enigmatology- If you know what this major is first-off, then you get a high-five. This is a degree on the creation and solving of puzzles. There is only one person in the world who has this degree. It may not be as useless as you might think. If you could master this area of study, you would surpass all the great philosophers who have ever walked the earth. Plus you could make one hell of a puzzle.