February 3, 2025

I won’t drink to that

As a college student I have seen my fair share of drunken comrades, I do not look down on them every now and people like to have a little fun. However, at what price does a little fun come? It may cost you your liver, it may cost you your car and in some cases it could cost you or someone else their life.


This archived article was written by: Jasmine Petit

As a college student I have seen my fair share of drunken comrades, I do not look down on them every now and people like to have a little fun. However, at what price does a little fun come? It may cost you your liver, it may cost you your car and in some cases it could cost you or someone else their life.
Alcohol unlike food does not take a long to time to be absorbed by your body, from the time that you ingest alcohol to the time that it reaches your brain can be as little as one minute. Some think that alcohol just affects your liver but that is not true, alcohol affects every organ in your body. The organ that take receives the most damage is your liver because the liver normally disposes of fatty cells. However, when there is alcohol present the liver is forced to metabolize the alcohol first, which allows the fatty cells to build up in the liver. A fatty liver is not a healthy liver.
If you were to drink about one beer a day you might never experience liver problems. In other cases heavy drinks develop fatty livers; this means that the livers cells become less efficient at metabolizing the nutrients that you take into your body. If heavy drinking continues over extended periods, liver cells will die forming fibrous scar tissue. Continued drinking can cause irreversible damage that result in the loss of a liver.
Some of the effects of long term drinking are: arthritis, cancer, heart disease, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, nervous disorders, obesity, and psychological disturbances and in babies’ fetal alcohol syndrome.
Though some may think that their drinking does not affect anyone but themselves, think of the hospital bills that could accumulate, think of how much a funeral would cost. When people drink it affects their whole family if not immediately then in the long wrong.
Information obtained for this article is from an internet article called “Alcohol and your body” which was published by the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency.