New dishwashers installed in Tucker Residential Hall
In recent health and safety checks the residential advisors at Utah state University-College of Eastern Utah gave negative marks to a number of apartments for having stacks of dirty dishes polluting the otherwise healthy atmosphere. The solution to this, as discovered in a residential life meeting, is dishwashers.

This archived article was written by: Seth Richards
In recent health and safety checks the residential advisors at Utah state University-College of Eastern Utah gave negative marks to a number of apartments for having stacks of dirty dishes polluting the otherwise healthy atmosphere. The solution to this, as discovered in a residential life meeting, is dishwashers.
Installing dishwashers in Tucker Residential Hall is the latest improvement seen as a cheap way of giving the college a higher standard of living than competing campuses. As compared to potential improvements, i.e. $50,000 for a new boiler, or $5,000 per apartment to replace the cabinets in Tucker, which are as old as the building itself; $5,000 to outfit the first nine apartments with dishwashers, was a cheap, but effective investment.
These dishwashers, which are being installed by a local contractor, will take the place of a cabinet and drawer in each of the rooms in the residential hall. The cooking dormitories in Aaron Jones dormitory (AJ) will not be getting dishwashers because it would not be economical for the college to install them, as there are more apartments in AJ, nor for the students who are already paying for central air conditioning in AJ. AJ is also lacking for design space to install the dishwashers.
Dr. Alex Herzog, associate vice chancellor for student services, says, “My staff, the housing staff, the RAs, and especially the auxiliary, the maintenance guys, Kyle [Willis] and James [Prettyman] have done a great job.” Speaking of the speed with which necessary changes have been made, he added, “The halls are way more improved than when I came here three years ago, and it’s due to their diligent work and dedication that it’s that way.”
The new dishwashers may raise the cost of living in Tucker by as much as $100 annually, and they should save students time, and make living on campus a little bit better.