March 12, 2025

Tammy Auberger received Outstanding Faculty of the Quarter

Walk through the West entrance of the Reeves Building, walk down the hallway, turn right at the chancellor’s office, down the hall, turn left, and you are at room 178. Do you know where you are? You are standing in front of Tammy Auberger’s, senior human resources coordinator, office. At Utah State University-Eastern, Auberger is in charge of the paper work for all of the faculty and staff and students that are employed on campus. She is dedicated to her job and because of her dedication and hard work, the professional classified staff voted her the “Employee of the Quarter.”

This archived article was written by: Shadayah Jones

Walk through the West entrance of the Reeves Building, walk down the hallway, turn right at the chancellor’s office, down the hall, turn left, and you are at room 178. Do you know where you are? You are standing in front of Tammy Auberger’s, senior human resources coordinator, office. At Utah State University-Eastern, Auberger is in charge of the paper work for all of the faculty and staff and students that are employed on campus. She is dedicated to her job and because of her dedication and hard work, the professional classified staff voted her the “Employee of the Quarter.”
Auberger has worked at USU-Eastern nine years and says her favorite part about working on campus is the faculty, staff and students. “I love them all”.
Although she loves her job, if money was no object, Auberger would work at Bear World and feed the baby bears. “That is something I have always wanted to do, but actually I am very happy where I am,” she said.
Growing up Auberger had one person in her life that really made a difference. One of her close friends Missy, who she has known for 45 years. Auberger started out babysitting her friends kids and since then they were always close friends. “She was a real independent woman, a real strong woman. She taught me a lot about life, not so much about work, but life. She taught me work ethics and stuff like that. She taught me that you have to laugh sometime; you can’t take everything serious. You job is serious, but you still have to have laughter.”
Auberger recalls one time in her life when she and her close friend missed one of the biggest tourist attractions in the United States: the Grand Canyon. “One day she asked me what I wanted to do one weekend and I said lets go see the Grand Canyon. As we were driving we can across a sign that said the canyon was two miles away when it was actually 12.
After we went three of four, we thought we missed it, so we went back. Which was really funny because when we finally made it, we realized there was no way you can miss the Grand Canyon.”
Auberger chose her profession because she loves numbers. She started with accounting and payroll at the College of Eastern Utah, but she loves people and with payroll, there was not much socializing. “I have always felt like I was more of a customer service kind of person. So instead of just seeing a name on a piece of paper, I like see the face as well and human resources just sort of led me there.”
Auberger is living in Ferron, but was born in Price and raised in Salt Lake. She moved back when she was first married. She has three children, a son and two daughters, and five grandchildren. She is married to the captain of the Ferron Fire Department.
Auberger received Outstanding Employee of the Quarter.
When she received this award she said she was certainly not expecting it. “I was really surprised; it really just blew me away.”