February 23, 2025

1,400 pounds of potatoes for Carbon County Food Bank

SUN Center leader, Caitlin Patterson, led the harvest of over 1,400 pounds of potatoes to be donated to the Price City Food Bank on Saturday, Sept. 29. This project took four months of cultivating and lots of hard work. Patterson knew it was a good summer project because the greatest need for volunteers would be in the fall for harvest, when there were more students on campus. “Gardening is something I can do. I am from Idaho, and SUN Center Director Terry Johnson had a piece of land where we could plant the potatoes.


This archived article was written by: Shanna Frame

SUN Center leader, Caitlin Patterson, led the harvest of over 1,400 pounds of potatoes to be donated to the Price City Food Bank on Saturday, Sept. 29. This project took four months of cultivating and lots of hard work. Patterson knew it was a good summer project because the greatest need for volunteers would be in the fall for harvest, when there were more students on campus. “Gardening is something I can do. I am from Idaho, and SUN Center Director Terry Johnson had a piece of land where we could plant the potatoes.
Taking on this project was practically fate!” said Patterson. Potatoes were a good choice to plant because they’re easy to plant and maintain, will keep well and feed lots of people in need.
The final harvest was full of fun and plenty of potatoes. The volunteers dug up the good potatoes and tossed the green toxic potatoes. Rumors have circulated that a few of the toxic potatoes were thrown playfully at a few of the residential geese. These reports have yet to be confirmed, but Johnson has found that all the geese in the area are perfectly happy and healthy.
When the potatoes were delivered to the Food Bank, they were received with many thanks and excitement. They did not realize how many the SUN Center volunteers were actually bringing and were grateful that they had washed them before the delivery. The potatoes are already headed out the door and helping many families in need. This was definitely a project worth its weight in potatoes.
Some of the upcoming SUN Center events include: Green Team, every Friday from 10-11 a.m.; Kids @ Heart, every Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m-12:45 p.m.; Habitat for Humanity, every Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.; Halloween Carnival, Oct. 29, 4:30-7 p.m.; Trick-or-Treat for Food, Oct. 31, 5:30-8 p.m.; and the Statewide Food Drive Competition Oct. 29-Nov.30; For more information on upcoming events and to sign-up, visit the SUN Center on the second floor of the Jennifer Levitt Student Center or call 435-613-5284. Johnson said, “We most likely have a project that interests you, so we look forward to receiving a call and seeing you in the SUN Center soon.”