January 23, 2025

USU Eastern’s new biology teacher: Wayne Hatch

From Utah, to Idaho, to California, back to Idaho and finally back to Utah, USU- Eastern’s new biology assistant professor has lived in before settling in Price this past summer. Wayne Hatch took the place of Jon Krum as the new Biology professor. His official title is assistant professor of Biology. Although this is his first year teaching at USU-Eastern, he is making himself right at home and doing his best for this campus and it’s students.


This archived article was written by: Shadayah Jones

From Utah, to Idaho, to California, back to Idaho and finally back to Utah, USU- Eastern’s new biology assistant professor has lived in before settling in Price this past summer. Wayne Hatch took the place of Jon Krum as the new Biology professor. His official title is assistant professor of Biology. Although this is his first year teaching at USU-Eastern, he is making himself right at home and doing his best for this campus and it’s students.
Hatch, who is from the small town of Randolph, Utah, started at Rick’s College. After being there for some time, he decided to serve a mission for the LDS church and was called to serve in the Santa Rosa, California mission. After completing his mission, he went to Rick’s College which became BYU-Idaho. He then worked at Potato Products of Idaho, Rigby, ID for a year doing microbiology work testing their food products for bacteria. After working full-time for a year, Hatch applied to graduate school for microbiology and was accepted at Idaho State University where he earned his master’s in microbiology, then later earned a doctorate in biology.
Hatch has a love for microbiology, but he also has a love for psychology. If he would not have studied biology he would have studied psycology. “I’ve always been interested in how people think and why they do what they do. I couldn’t ever picture myself as a psychologist, so I think that’s what led me to teaching. I’m very interested in how people learn and how I can help in that process.”
Satisfaction is something that is really important in life. Every week and day Hatch spends time with his family and that, to him, is one of the satisfying things he does. Along with spending time with his family Hatch said that he loves being able to help students and that is very satisfying. “Lecturing is not my most favorite thing to do, but if I am able to help students during or outside of class to help them learn is also something very satisfying.”
Everyone has something they are the most proud of. “Having a past that I don’t regret anything and know that I am honest and have accomplished what I have with integrity” Hatch said.
Having the relationship with his family is something that means the most to him in his life. Family is very important to Hatch and he values them and the relationship he has with his family.
Hatch is faithful to his state and supports the NBA Utah Jazz team. He also would like to challenge any students who are interested in microbiology to come and talk to him about it. He is more than willing to help students to better understand biology or debate the issues with him.