Grow awareness by embracing your hair
No Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness. The goal is to grow awareness by embracing our hair – which many cancer patients lose – and letting it grow wild. Then, donate the money you normally spend on hair removal for a month to cancer research, according to

No Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness. The goal is to grow awareness by embracing our hair – which many cancer patients lose – and letting it grow wild. Then, donate the money you normally spend on hair removal for a month to cancer research, according to
If you think this is just another pointless thing that college guys do for attention, then welcome to Movember. Back in 1999, in Melbourne, Australia, an organization called Movember was born. Their goal was to raise awareness for men’s health by turning November into an awareness month, very similar to what is done in October for breast cancer.
Movember’s slogan is “changing the face of men’s health”. You sign up online and then grow a mustache in November. The point is to raise awareness for testicular and prostate cancers.
Participants of Movember are referred to as Mo Bros, and once they are signed up online at, they shave everything but the hair on their upper lips for thirty days. Women can get involved too, and thereby become fellow Mo Sistas.
In the past few years there have been ever increasing amounts of Mo Brothas and Mo Sistas participating. In 2011 there were more than 854,000 participants worldwide, and they raised more than $126 million in the fight to change men’s health.