October 17, 2024

The Eagle staff has much to be thankful for this year

November: a month that brings out gratitude in people. Notes of gratitude, facebook posts sharing what we’re thankful for, food drive season is in full swing and an abundance of other acts of service.
It seems that there is a theme to everyone’s first subjects of gratitude; loved ones. We all seem to list family and friends at the top of our lists. The Eagle staff wants to share what we are grateful for.
Susan Polster – Would be remiss if I did not have gratitude for the newspaper staff, but also need to include my love for all four seasons of the year.

November: a month that brings out gratitude in people. Notes of gratitude, facebook posts sharing what we’re thankful for, food drive season is in full swing and an abundance of other acts of service.
It seems that there is a theme to everyone’s first subjects of gratitude; loved ones. We all seem to list family and friends at the top of our lists. The Eagle staff wants to share what we are grateful for.
Susan Polster – Would be remiss if I did not have gratitude for the newspaper staff, but also need to include my love for all four seasons of the year.
Karli Morris – I am grateful for laughter. Anyone who knows me, or has even been in a room with me, knows how true this is. Laughter can make my day completely turn around and it’s just fun to laugh.
Talon Bryan – I am grateful for disappointments for teaching me what matters the most, I am also grateful for the challenges in life which taught me about myself and turned me into who I am today.
Ryan Nelson – I’m thankful for those that defend our country, and sacrifice their lives for us. I’m also thankful for our free country and rights and privileges that we have.
Nathan Manley – The thing I am most grateful for, is that my mother taught me what real music is, and the power it has. She never let me give up on music. If I quit one instrument she made me choose a different one. If it was not for her, I would not appreciate good music. 
Kameron King – I am thankful for a toothbrush and toothpaste. I love the feeling after I brush my teeth. After brushing teeth in the mourning or before bed, I feel like I’m on top of the world with how good it feels.
Dillon Manzanares – I am thankful for everyday that I wake up, the roof over my head, and the food that I get to eat. Many people do not get to enjoy these things.
Kate Johnson – I am thankful for everything lovely that gives me joy or make me smile! Also, it’s November so I am thankful for the plate that holds my mountain of turkey dinner and the fork that helps me demolish that mountain! Lest we forget dark chocolate. The world would not be the same without it!
Shadayah Jones – I am thankful for the community where I grew up and all the opportunities I have been blessed with. I am thankful for the chance to come to college and better myself. I am thankful for all of my experiences and what they have taught me and how they made me stronger.
Seth Richards – In reflection of the many nouns for which I am grateful, I find myself overwhelmed by the amazingness of my life. At this moment, I believe I can say that I am most grateful for foot-long tuna sandwiches on honey-oat bread as made by Subway.
Brandi Sitterud – I’m thankful for my newest best friend AJ Olschewski who I have come really close to and he helps me with calculus. Without him I would definitely fail and be a loner because we are always hanging out.
Dezzi Mangum – I am thankful for the mistakes I have made in life. They have helped me learn and grow to become who I am today. I know what I want out of life because of them. They have taught me important lessons I may not have learned otherwise.
Brady Maynes – I’m grateful for my beautiful wife Elisabeth.  She is kind, caring, and she loves me! I’m also thankful for quality music, and books.
Emily Williams – I’m thankful for brilliant people who invest so much time and effort into learning subjects that I am horrible at, like math, science and physics. Because of their dedication and hard work, I benefit from modern technology and medical advances.
Mike Gingell – I’m grateful for the challenges and hurdles in my life. They’ve made me who I am. They have made me value everything I have and they’ve given me the strength to accomplish my goals.
Hayden Peterson – I am thankful for the sport basketball and second chances. I am grateful for the second chances that I had to make things right with family and friends.
Beth Liddel – I am thankful for the ability I have to choose for my self the things of my future. It is my choice and that is a freedom that I love about America. 
Megan Peterson – I am thankful for the chance to come to college and play volleyball. I never thought that would be a possibility for me, until I came down to school.
Ashley Stilson – I am grateful for aglets, anonymous acts of kindness, fluffy socks, cameras and Cold Stone on rainy days.
Whitney Withers – I’m thankful for my blessings in disguise. There is nothing more satisfying than when you realize that through all the bad there’s good.
Emilee Merrill – The thing that I am most thankful for would be my loving Father in Heaven. He gives me everything that I need whether I want them or not.
CJ Evans – I am thankful for the miracle of the internet because it lets us pretend we are doing something important when really all we are doing is check facebook.
Savannah Hrenchir – I am grateful for horses. They help me feel free and to forget everything that has happened in my past. I am also thankful for the Marines because I have families who have served for my freedoms.