March 13, 2025

Johnson’s creative moment


This archived article was written by: Casey Warren

If you have ever wondered who is the master behind the web success of USU Eastern, meet Tracey Johnson. She is the webmaster for USU Eastern and works hard to keep students updated and informed.
As many of the students and faculty know, there is a lot of work going into making sure the merge with Utah State University is known. Johnson is a big help in that effort. “Currently I am spending most of my time migrating our current website to a new system that will better reflect our affiliation and role with Utah State University. This means a lot of content organization, editing and graphic design. I am hoping to have all our content migrated so the new website can go live for spring semester.”
When it comes down to it, creativity is Johnson’s favorite part of her career. “I like working with design elements and trying to make things look nice. I also enjoy (most days) the challenge of my profession. Technology and web trends are constantly changing which keeps me on my toes.”
Having a career at USU Eastern was an easy choice for Johnson. She grew up in Price and after living away for a while, had the chance to come back. “When my husband got an opportunity to work in the area, we were excited to come back. After completing my master’s degree, I got the chance to teach in the business, computer, and information systems department. After 12 years of teaching, the web administrator job became available, so I decided to move into that position.”
Before becoming a professor at USU Eastern, Johnson was a student at CEU. When asked about her favorite memory she shared something that some students might be able to relate to. “[My favorite memory is] sneaking into the Sessions’ Dorms. I probably shouldn’t admit to it, but my boyfriend (now husband) lived there so….”
Johnson makes a large contribution to the USU Eastern campus. However, if she weren’t spending her time as the webmaster and if money weren’t an object, she would choose to travel. “I went to Europe a couple of years ago and would love to go back and spend more time. I am currently fascinated with Italy.”w
Having experienced college for herself, Johnson shares some really great advice for students. “Focus. College is a great time to have fun, gain your independence and learn from your experiences. However, don’t waste your opportunity. Education is such an important key to future success. Not only do you learn skills to take with you, but also you learn how to learn. Life is a constant learning process – learn to enjoy it.”