March 19, 2025

Vice Chancellor Straquadine began new position in January

This archived article was written by: Dean Thacker

A new vice chancellor of academic programs at Utah State University Eastern began his tenure in January 2017.
Dr. Gary Straquadine has 29-years of work experience in higher education. He has served as an associate dean, department Chair, and a regional campus dean and executive director. He has replaced Peter Iyere, Ph.D, who resigned in December 2016.
He graduated from New Mexico with a bachelor’s and a master’s in agriculture and extended education. After teaching high school for a number of years, as well as working in a state office of education, he decided to get his doctorate in agricultural education from Ohio State University.
According to a USU press release, “He is a distinguished professor with numerous teaching and advising awards plus a notable researcher. He has published more than 100 research papers in journals and at professional conferences. His record of awarded research and development grants exceeds $750K.”
As vice chancellor of academic programs, Straquadine assists chancellor Joe Peterson to further the academic success of USU Eastern. A list of responsibilities Straquadine has includes: academics, arts and science division, professional and technical education division and distance education.
Along with a focus on the student’s education, Straquadine also “works for the teachers and faculty.” He works with the faculty to design the right programs, define prerequisites and courses and create better class scheduling for the students.
Straquadine has a focus on economical and community development. He is also responsible for structuring programs. “I am looking to get the best students for the right programs,” he said. Meaning he wants students to have the best education that they can have.
Straquadine has lived in Price 19 months now and loves it. “I love small towns,” he says, “I don’t need bright lights and big cities.”
He originally came to Price to be the vice provost, a title and job that he continues to hold. He is responsible for program design and development in southeast Utah. He works with the CTE programs or career technical education. He hopes that the excellent teachers and staff will continue to work with community and industry partners so that they have the best opportunities upon completing their degrees.
A high point of Straquadine’s time in Price has been the enthusiasm that they community has education. He says that the community is supportive of education.
If Straguadine could say one thing to everyone that reads The Eagle it would be “Take advantage of all this campus has to offer. Take advantage academically, socially and culturally. Sample it all.”