October 22, 2024

Student Spotlight


This archived article was written by: Vivika Corona

In her junior year at Utah State University Eastern, Paige Martinez is a promising 20-year-old from Price. Martinez is an extremely resourceful young woman as she is the administrative assistant for EUSA, a math tutor on campus, drumline captain (she even helped start up drumline at Eastern) and, also does informational technology (I.T.) work for a local bank. Majoring in business administration, she hopes to work in I.T. or marketing
If Martinez were to rate a celebrity a perfect 10, it would be Brendon Urie, lead singer in the band Panic at the Disco!. “He has the most amazing jawline, his music is really great and I really can connect with it.”
Her favorite book is Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. “Every time I read it I get something new and different out of it and it constantly stays relevant to my life.”
Her favorite part of being at USUE is being on student government “It has literally shaped everything I have done.”
If there were to be a gag reel of her life Martinez said everyday would be on it, but specifically she recalls a time when younger that her mother made her order food by herself.
When the waitress asked what she wanted, Martinez said she wanted a quesadilla, but pronounced it as a “ques-a-dill-uh”. She said everyone including the waitress laughed at her and it was one of the most embarrassing moments of her life.
Martinez’s goal for the year is keep up with all her projects. “I have a lot on my plate and my goal is to make it through the year without dropping anything I care about.
I have the belief that if you care about something you’ll make time for it and everything I’m doing right now is something I value in my life. I want to keep moving forward so I just hope to be able to continue doing what I’m doing without having too much of a stress panic attack.”