October 22, 2024

Enrollment is still down

The Utah State University Eastern campus once held over 3,000 students, but with a steady decline in student enrollment, is USU Eastern in danger? 

According to USU Eastern’s newest recruitment specialist Cameron West, the answer is a resounding no. There is a lot to understand when discussing enrollment statistics. “There are many variables to enrollment and what would cause numbers to fluctuate. I am not exactly sure what would have caused our [USU Eastern] numbers to be down, but I do know that we aren’t the only institution with a flux in enrollment,” he said. The recruitment office is paying attention to the numbers and are actively making plans to increase enrollment overall. “Just know the change in enrollment does not go unnoticed, it’s being worked on.” 

With a record low in enrollment numbers, the recruiters are working hard to get as many new Eagles to USU Eastern as possible. Every university in the state has its own process for recruitment and West is no different. 

His process is to make USU Eastern feel personal to prospective students. “I wouldn’t say there is a specific protocol for recruitment. My process of recruitment it is to let people know we are out here. We exist and we have an amazing institution with great athletics and programs.”

 He wants students to know what it might be like to be an Eagle full time. “We host tours of campus and on-campus events to get future students to see what it is like at Eastern. My process is to get students to campus.” 

Along with the goals of his peers, West has some personal goals as a recruiter. “My goals are to increase the number of campus visits for tours and events. I think this will help boost enrollment numbers in the future.” 

He understands the importance of getting students on campus to see what student life is like. “At the end of the day, it allows more students to be exposed to our campus and student life.” These goals are in the works and West considers that a step in the right direction for maximum enrollment numbers in the future. 

The recruiting office isn’t the only group on campus that has the power to bring new students to USU Eastern, the student body also has that power. There is power in the voices of students on campus. According to West, there’s a lot students can do to help. “The best thing current students can do for recruitment is have a good time. EUSA, RA’s, SUN Center, and the other leadership groups on campus put on activities all the time.” If you want to help the recruitment office, attend events and be involved. “As students have more fun, they will naturally recruit because they will talk about their experiences.” 

Whether you’re a brand new freshman or an experienced senior. Everyone plays a part in the recruitment and enrollment of the university. Get out, spread the word and bring the Eagles to their new home.