Safety tips from The Eagle staff

This is a message from friendly neighborhood Eagle newspaper staff to make Halloween safer.
Halloween is a night for everyone to go out and have fun. Something we all hope you will do. As much fun as the spooky day is, there is also potential for danger.
We want to keep all of the Eagles’ safe, so follow these rules and enjoy the holiday.
Halloween night is the time when the streets are filled with children (and even some adults) in their best costumes. They are also filled with motorists. Keep an eye out for oncoming traffic and cross the street as designated areas.
If you’re going out, keep an eye on your friends. Make sure everyone is using common sense and staying away from potential dangers.
Of course, this wouldn’t be a Halloween safety list if we didn’t mention the golden rule. Check your candy for any type of unnatural materials. Stay safe and have a wonderful Halloween.