Writing Center offers help for students

Writing an academic essay is not every student’s favorite assignment. Many students would rather take a 100-question exam than write an essay. Hours can be lost to writer’s block. Without a plan or knowing where to begin, writing an essay can feel overwhelming. Luckily, Utah State University offers a service to every writer on campus: The Writing Center.
The Writing Center is a tutoring service available to students who want or need assistance and feedback for their writing. Taking advantage of this service can help students be more successful in their classes. Even the best writers benefit from having another set of eyes look over their work.
The tutors at the Writing Center can help at any time during the writing process, but it is especially helpful to visit during the revision stage. At this stage, tutors can focus on the big picture of the writing assignment and make sure everything fits together as a cohesive essay. After students have finished writing their revised draft, they can visit a second time for smaller scale editing.
Sometimes it’s difficult even knowing how to start an essay assignment. Students can visit in the beginning stages to brainstorm, plan and create an outline with a tutor.
It isn’t just academic papers that the tutors can help with. Students can bring in cover letters and resumes, scholarship essays and even personal writing. Since there is no creative writing workshop on campus, students can find support at the Writing Center.
Not only is the Writing Center a place to receive assistance with writing, but students also find it is a quiet place to study and do homework. There are several computers available for use and printing is free.
Appointments can be made for face-to-face or online with tutors. Online tutoring appointments are available from 10 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday. Face-to-face tutoring is available in the Writing Center from 10 am to 2 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Appointments are available from 10 am to 12 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit eastern.usu.edu/tutoring/writing-center to make an appointment.
The Writing Center is located in room 208 in the WIB.Writing Center offers help for students