March 26, 2025

Student art displayed in a local gallery

On Friday, Nov. 3rd, art students from Utah State University Eastern were invited to choose a piece they had been working on in class for display, sharing their creativity with the entire community. Jason Huntzinger, an Associate Professor at USU Eastern, took a moment to elaborate on the event.

“Every November, USU Eastern Art Professor Chris Kanyusik hosts a Pop-Up Student Art Show in Helper at his beautiful Main Street art building. This one-night exhibit typically coincides with ‘First Friday,’ a Helper event featuring activities and a gallery stroll. It provides an opportunity for USU Eastern art students to showcase their work to a broader audience beyond campus and become a part of Helper’s vibrant arts scene for an evening.”

I spoke with Kanyusik about the exhibit.

“We displayed artworks from students in 3D Design, Introduction to Ceramics, Drawing 1, and Introduction to Photography. We hold a student exhibition every semester in Helper, and it’s always inspiring to see pieces from our various classes in one place. Each year, we’re impressed and proud of the students’ hard work, creativity, and talent. The turnout was fantastic. Many students brought their families, and we had a significant number of local and out-of-town visitors as well.”

Huntzinger oversees the Introduction to Photography course, taking students on multiple field trips throughout Carbon County to discover new and exciting places for their photographs. Field trip locations include Helper Main Street, the San Rafael Swell with Paleontologist Dr. Josh Lively, the Coke Ovens in East Carbon, and Consumers Road. I also had the opportunity to talk to Huntzinger about what his students contributed to the exhibit.

I also spoke with students whose work was featured in the art exhibit. Kenidee Gunter, a student in Introduction to Photography, chose to display a photograph taken at the Coke Ovens in East Carbon. “I framed the yellow tractor against the backdrop of yellow flowers. The contrast with the Coke Ovens in the background stood out to me. It was visually pleasing, so I captured the moment!”

Maycee Fivecoat, another photography student, shared, “I submitted a black and white photo of a door with a beautifully colored window. I created this piece with the hope that people would see a brighter future ahead — you just need to walk through the right door. I was inspired by feeling uncertain about my life path, but finding the right door opened up numerous opportunities. I thought the exhibit was thoughtfully laid out, and I enjoyed seeing what other students had to offer.”

As a fellow photography student, I also had the chance to contribute one of my works to the exhibit, selecting a picture taken during a field trip to Helper Main Street. I was inspired by the pastel colors of the door to Pineau’s Tumbling and Trampoline Club — a simple subject that made for a great photograph.

It’s no secret that the students at USU Eastern are exceptionally talented. From photographs to drawings, ceramics, and 3D designs, all the art students put in a tremendous amount of effort. Whether you’re a beginner or have been practicing art for years, these classes offer an excellent opportunity for self-expression on film, paper, canvas, and more. USU Eastern is the ideal place to receive hands-on guidance with small class sizes from professors who are passionate about what they do!