October 17, 2024

Associate Vice President Doctor Miller heads 2024 school year at Eastern

Doug Miller (right) presents award to Jared Haddock. Dr. Miller is in his second semester as thw Associate Vice President of the USUE campus.

As of August 2023, Dr. Doug Miller has been a great asset to Utah State University Eastern after former associate vice president, Greg Dart, had stepped down in June 2023. Miller’s role at Easter is Chief Campus Administrator and Associate Vice President at USU Eastern. “My role is to guide operations at Eastern, promote program development, and build partnerships in our region. I also support faculty development and engagement.”

When asked what advice he could give to students coming to USU Eastern for the first time or returning, Dr. Miller stated “Get involved. Stop by the Nexus and play a game. Join a club. There are many activities happening on campus.” Student leaders throughout our campus plan daily events throughout the semester to help students get out there and get involved. This also helps introduce students to expand their interests on trying something new, meeting new people, and to just get out having fun.

Like the majority of student on campus, they have a plan they set for themselves to get a certain degree in a specific field; nursing, engineering, business, communications. However, there is a vast number of students who attend USU Eastern to get their general education and find what they enjoy in the process. Dr. Miller mentioned some advice to students that could help. “Internships are key to growing your network, testing out a particular career or field, and discovering whether you really want to spend your life doing that sort of work,” he said. Dr. Miller also mentions that because of his internships, which led him to graduate with a level business degree and move forward into his humanities.

Dr. Miller is an active advocate in the important role for not only rural Utah but for USU Eastern as well.