College mourns loss of sociology, history instructor
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers Over the summer CEU lost one of it's most valued and respected...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers Over the summer CEU lost one of it's most valued and respected...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers One of the first things most students do when classes start is...
Jessica Warden, Briann Pinedo, Amy Anderson Adam Parr and Dallas Hansen enjoy the start of the year Luau Stomp arranged...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers The negative effects of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge...
One of ASCEU's goals this year was to erect a CEU sign on Wood Hll. On Monday, their dream became...
This archived article was written by: Gypsie Delgado The time has finally come where I am leaving this place I...
Dean of the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Kevin Worthen (class of '78), will be College of Eastern Utah's 67th...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers Some of the most important issues facing CEU, according to President Ryan...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers The Eagle sponsored a high-school journalism competition with over 200 entries from...
Thirty-one students will be honored Friday, April 29 at 6 p.m. in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center as the Class...
Jesse Douglas Holt, a 19-year-old sophomore from Tooele, was elected 2005-06 student body president to serve over ASCEU. In the...
This archived article was written by: Heather Myers Every year the residential life department conducts a survey of students living...
Burtenshaw Residence Hall had the most criminal offences given to its residents over the past two years, more than any...
A veteran 26-year U.S. Secret Service Agent will speak at the College of Eastern Utah on Thursday, April 14 at...
The Associated Students of the College of Eastern Utah Advisory Cabinet met with representatives of the athletic departments last week...