January 18, 2025

Spring enrollment

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah’s Higher Education’s record enrollment growth continued for the spring semester ushering in more students than last year at Utah’s eight colleges and universities.
The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) enrollment for the spring 2011 semester (January to May) increased by 4,430 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students—a jump of 4.43 percent over last year at the same time for 144,073 FTE.
At USU-CEU, FTE enrollment jumped 7.8 percent, second highest in the system. Dixie State College went up 10.36 percent, to lead the most enrollment growth.

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah’s Higher Education’s record enrollment growth continued for the spring semester ushering in more students than last year at Utah’s eight colleges and universities.
The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) enrollment for the spring 2011 semester (January to May) increased by 4,430 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students—a jump of 4.43 percent over last year at the same time for 144,073 FTE.
At USU-CEU, FTE enrollment jumped 7.8 percent, second highest in the system. Dixie State College went up 10.36 percent, to lead the most enrollment growth.
In headcount, USU-CEU went up 9.24 percent, just under Dixie’s 9.57 percent increase. Snow was the only school to drop headcount enrollment, with a 3 percent drop spring semester.
“Typically spring enrollment is slightly lower than the numbers we see for the fall,” said William Sederburg, Commissioner of Higher Education.
“Still, we are seeing yearly increases in those who enroll in our state higher education institutions. Throughout the state, we are seeing system-wide increases each and every semester.”
The University of Utah remains the largest higher education institution with 30,136 followed by Salt Lake Community College’s 29,019, Utah Valley University’s 28,417, Utah State’s 24,820, Weber State University’s 22,002, Southern Utah University’s 7,993, DSC’s 7,944, Snow College’s 3,299 and USU-CEU’s 2,296.
In 2010, the governor and legislature prevented large cuts to higher education, making it possible for institutions to accommodate growth into this year. “Though the legislature is still in session, we are confident that they will make funding enrollment growth in higher education a high priority by at least restoring the cuts initially made in our base budgets so we can continue to serve these students,” said Sederburg.
Budged-related FTE approximates the number of students enrolled full-time (15 semester hours for undergraduate students and 10 semester hours for graduate students) each semester that qualify for state funding. Additionally, the system serves thousands of students in non-traditional programs which are not budget-related and do not receive any taxpayer support. Budget-related nrollment numbers broken down by institution are on the following table:
Spring Semester 2011 Budget Related Enrollment

Headcount Change over 2010
FTE Change over 2010
University of Utah 29,784 5.95% 24,769 5.79%
Utah State University 22.166 5.89% 16,314 4.89%
Weber State University 18,927 5.44% 12,759 4.02%
Southern Utah University 6,691 1.29% 5,895 1.60%
Snow College 3,576 -2.98% 2,953 4.74%
Dixie State College 7,738 9.57% 5,806 10.36%
USU-College of Eastern Utah 2,271 9.24% 1,605 7.88%
Utah Valley University 25,649 5.53% 18,200 5.34%
Salt Lake Community College 27,271 0.07% 16,052 0.05%
USHE Total 144,073 4.41% 104,352 4.43%
*FTE’s are based on a formula calculation and are rounded to the nearest one.

Spring Semester 2011 Total Headcount (Budget Related & Self Supported)

Current* Change over 2010 # Change over 2010 %
University of Utah 28,556 30,136 1,580 5.53%
Utah State University 23,229 24,820 1,591 6.85%
Weber State University 20,806 22,002 1,196 5.75%
Southern Utah University 7,448 7,993 545 7.32%
Snow College 3,265 3,299 34 1.04%
Dixie State College 7,389 7,944 555 7.51%
USU-College of Eastern Utah 2,135 2,296 161 7.54%
Utah Valley University 26,322 28,417 2,095 7.96%
Salt Lake Community College 28,934 29,019 85 0.29%
USHE Total 148,084 155,926 7,842 5.30%
*Headcount can reflect multiple students attending multiple institutions.
About the Utah System of Higher Education: USHE includes all of Utah’s eight public colleges and universities: The University of Utah, Utah State University (including USU-CEU), Weber State University, Southern Utah University, Snow College, Dixie State College, Utah Valley University and Salt Lake Community College.