March 6, 2025

Last will and testaments

This archived article was written by: Daylan Jones

CEU will always be CEU in my eyes, good luck with USU Eastern. When I thought about writing, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions. Was I ready to be graduating? Has it really been two years? Am I ready to leave these people who I have come to love and cherish friendships with? As much as I complain, am I ready to leave “Price, America,” and this little college for good? Be done with the newspaper and the dance program? Of course there were those emotions of, yes, I’m ready to stop making that two-hour drive back every weekend, am ready to live at home, am ready to go back to civilization and gentlemen, am ready to have an associate degree and not worry about math. I have CEU to thank for that, and the strong, independent woman I am proud to be molded into.
As much as I (and 3/4 of the school) complain about this little “Poe dunk” town. Most of us (non-locals) are here on scholarship barley paying for school, and yet we have nothing good to say about it? Have a little pride. This school provides an education for us just to do something we love, (such as basketball, baseball, dance, newspaper, student government) we should be beyond grateful. I have realized this and I am grateful. I am so very grateful to have been given the opportunity of experiencing a town and a college well out of my comfort zone.
As a freshman, everything was new and exciting! New city, new school, new boys (that ended up biting me in the butt), and above all, a new chance to be whatever or whoever I wanted to be. Long story short, I met a few boys, broke a few hearts, got mine broken, found the dance program (or it found me), spent a few long nights in the newspaper lab, shopped at the DI, opened up, took a few risks and in the end made the most amazing friendships. Which brings me to the sappy part of the “Will”. The Personal messages and shout outs (don’t get offended if I forget you, you know I love you or didn’t have enough room or I just don’t like you): first and foremost I have to thank the only person at CEU I knew I could always count on. She is an amazing woman who knows the importance of education, the proper punctuation, every detail of my love life (and how to fix it), and where I am pretty sure I got my impeccable fashion sense. I am happy to call her my favorite professor, the reason I attended CEU, the reason I stayed when times got tough and even more proud to call her my aunt. Susan Polster has had such a tremendously large and positive influence on me through these past two years then I deserve. Through her I was introduced to The Eagle newspaper and taught skills that will advance me in the future and ultimately guided me to my career path I will be pursuing at the University of Utah in the fall. I owe her so much; I will never know how to repay her. I will forever treasure my experience with The Eagle and CEU and I have her to thank for that. Thank you for the hours of office talks, baring my breakdowns, listening to me complain, Costo Soy milk, Costo chocolate covered raisins, attempts at healthy food to balance out the chocolate covered raisins, coming to my dance concerts, the infinite laughter, fashion advice and above all your love and support through everything, I am forever grateful.
Next is my BC’s McCall Spears and Brinli Buckalew, I definitely don’t think I could have made it through this year with out my girls! All of our fun adventures can’t be disclosed in such a public article because we are that great at “spicin up Price.” I cannot thank you enough for all of the laughs, the times when I didn’t think I could get back up, you picked me up. You put up with my attitude and checked it when necessary I will always remember our road trips, footie pajamas, many failed diets, cookie zookies, Thursday’s Cowboy kitchen Chicken noodle soup, Miss Emery County, “family dinners,” boy creepin, and so much more. I love you girls and I wouldn’t trade this year and our stories for anything! I can’t wait to see where your futures take you and the amazing women you develop into! “BC’s for life, Price, America.”
Valeria Moncada, what in the world do I say about my “Latina with a booty”? I will always and forever be jealous of how beautiful and photogenic you are. You are the gem of Price America sweetie. You can always make me laugh right when I need it. You and I have an awesome track record of men here at CEU and I am proud to share that with you. From CoCo Channel, to math, and now to the U, I am proud to call you one of my best friends in Price. I am so excited to continue our friendship and see your outstanding potential grow into what I know will be a successful women.
Jessa Love Adams… Even though you left me half way through the year, you got me through the last semester of my freshman year so I’ll let it slide. You are such a talented photographer. You taught me a lot about everything, about life and to be more open minded. I am still working on that. I already miss our cookie zookies, diets, sharing Jordan’s friendship, and living with you but I will miss journal time most of all. How special it is to write down your thoughts, feelings and stories, just for yourself. Thank you. I wish you only the best in the future!
Dominique Lawrence, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were something special, but the second after that when you told me how great my outfit was, that my belt pulled it all together… I knew you were super special! I am super fortunate to say you are one of my best friends at CEU and one of my most cherished friendships I’ve had the opportunity to develop this year. I will always love you! You are very bright and can have anything you want if you stop “being five years old” and do it! J I can’t wait to see how your future unfolds. You are stubborn like me and sometimes we butt heads but I think that’s why we are such good friends! I will always remember you as my surprise Valentine, my potato balloon “Daniel”, and last but not least, SWAG.
Morgan Johnson and Danee Merrell: my two roomies. You poor girls, you get me at my very worst. Our awesome nail parties, Glee and Grey’s Anatomy marathons, hot tubing, Danee’s cooking, me and Morgan’s poster on our bedroom wall, and “last one on your knee’s” are among the many memories I will miss. Thank you for everything.
Honorable mentions (don’t be mad if you are in here, I couldn’t use the whole newspaper): KC Smurthwaite, my sweet, sweet KC… I will miss looking to my right and seeing you smile and do that dumb little wave! You are so funny and can always make me smile. I love your fake marriage proposals, your always comforting hugs, the way you always look out for me and yes, if it doesn’t work out with me and Colby, you’ll be the first person I’ll call! Ms, Ruth, I just love you, you are an amazing women, every time I walk into the BDAC you are always so sweet and greet me. Your love for this school and the students is obvious and I am so thankful I got the opportunity to get to know you. I will miss you the very most out of anything at the BDAC! I will keep in touch and come back to visit! David Osborn Jr., you my friend have taught me so much about journalism, you’ve also taught me a lot about men… well boys 😉 thanks for your patience! All my sweet basketball boys: it has been my pleasure meeting all of you this year. For those of you who are good looking, thank you for making this campus more beautiful, I have enjoyed that. Good luck with your futures! The Dance Department: It hasn’t been easy. I’ve learned a lot about myself through the smiles and the tears. All of the sweet dancers have taught me different lessons, I learned to accept others for who they are, and I am better because of it. I hope they can fix and bring back the department for others.
Well Price, I think that’s about it. I am all “Last Will and Testament”-ed out! CEU will always hold a special place in my heart. I will miss walking through the student center and knowing every ones name. I will miss the smiles around campus, the newspaper lab, and the dance room. This chapter of my life has had its ups and downs, but I’ve learned from the tears and smiled a more than frowned. As I move on, I know it will be sad closing this chapter but I am excited for the future, for my next chapter, and now I wait for it to be written. Thank you CEU, keep it classy Price.
-Daylan Jones