February 23, 2025

GraduatePrograms.com announces new grad program rate & review website

Who can students trust more than anyone else? Other students.
Graduate Programs is proud to introduce www.graduateprograms.com, an online destination for prospective students to explore graduate school programs with information from the most reliable source: their peers.
The goal is to create a community of student experiences and observations of graduate programs across the country. The more students put into it, the more students get out of it.

Who can students trust more than anyone else? Other students.
Graduate Programs is proud to introduce www.graduateprograms.com, an online destination for prospective students to explore graduate school programs with information from the most reliable source: their peers.
The goal is to create a community of student experiences and observations of graduate programs across the country. The more students put into it, the more students get out of it.
The Rate and Review function is unique. Students will choose the number of stars that accurately corresponds with their opinion about aspects of the program — athletics, campus housing, etc. — and then leave a short comment. Graduate Programs will compile student comments and starred reviews so students can read them when they’re making their decisions about different graduate programs. Think of it as a forward-thinking marriage between the Princeton Review and Yelp.
And students who post a review will be entered for a $1,000 scholarship to be awarded four times per year.
“We’re really excited about this launch. There’s no other website like ours to provide students with peer-reviewed graduate programs. And really, no one knows better than other students about whether a program is the right fit,” said Harvey Berkey, chief operating officer of Graduate Programs.
At Graduate Programs, students will also find information about graduate programs across a wide spectrum of fields: grad school test requirements and study tips; how to write the perfect personal statement; how to nail the interview; what to do if a student is denied admission to graduate school; and other crucial advice for potential and current graduate students.